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Running and maintaining the WebLogic Server

Administering the WebLogic Server with Admin commands

Setting up multihoming

This document describes how to use the WebLogic Server Admin commands and how to set up Multihoming on your machine.

Before you can run the WebLogic Server the first time, you will need to install and configure it. Read Installing WebLogic Server.

Administering the WebLogic Server with Admin commands

The WebLogic Server is administered by calls to the weblogic.Admin class. You can also make programmatic calls to administrative information from a T3Client. Check the document, Writing a T3Client application, for more information.

All Admin commands follow a similar pattern. You can get a list of commands by entering the following:

  java weblogic.Admin

General syntax

  java weblogic.Admin URL command arguments


The URL of the WebLogic Server host and port number of the TCP port at which WebLogic is listening for T3Client requests. The scheme of the URL is "t3://hostname:port".
Each command may have a set of optional and/or required arguments. For example, the SHUTDOWN command requires a password to the WebLogic Server.

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This command makes the specified number of connections to the WebLogic Server and returns the number of total time for each round trip and the average milliseconds per connection.


  java weblogic.Admin URL CONNECT count


The URL of the WebLogic Server host and port number of the TCP port at which WebLogic is listening for T3Client requests; use "t3://host:port."
Number of connections to make.


This makes 100 connections to the WebLogic Server on port 7001 of the host
  java weblogic.Admin t3:// CONNECT 100

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Lists the bindings of a node in the JNDI naming tree.


 java weblogic.Admin context LIST user password


The JNDI context (for example weblogic, weblogic.ejb, javax) for lookup.
Username of a T3User that has permissions to exercise a JNDI lookup for this node.
Password of a T3User that has permissions to exercise a JNDI lookup for this node.

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Locks WebLogic against non-privileged logins. Subsequent login attempts will initiate a SecurityException that contains an optional string message. This command requires an administrative username and password.


  java weblogic.Admin URL LOCK system passwd string_message


The URL of the WebLogic Server host and port number of the TCP port at which WebLogic is listening for T3Client requests; use "t3://host:port."
Administrator password to the WebLogic Server. The WebLogic Server password is set in the file. The username for the administrator is always "system", and both username and password must be supplied for this command.
Message (in double quotes) to be supplied in the SecurityException thrown if a non-privileged user attempts to login while the WebLogic Server is locked.


This command locks WebLogic; any application attempting to login with a non-privileged T3User username and password will receive the message, "Sorry, WebLogic is temporarily out of service."
  java weblogic.Admin t3:// LOCK system gumby1234
    "Sorry, WebLogic is temporarily out of service."

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Verifies that a WebLogic Server is listening on a port and is ready to accept T3Client requests.


  java weblogic.Admin URL PING round_trips message_length


The URL of the WebLogic Server host and port number of the TCP port at which WebLogic is listening for T3Client requests; use "t3://host:port."
round_trips (optional)
Number of pings.
message_length (optional)
Packet to send in each ping. Ping requests over 10Mb in size will throw an exception.


This command pings a WebLogic Server running on port 6789 of machine
  java weblogic.Admin t3:// PING 10

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This command resets the connections in a registered connection pool. For more information on setting up and using connection pools, see the Developers Guide for WebLogic JDBC.

This is a privileged command. You must supply the password for the WebLogic Server administrative user to use this command. You must know the name of the connection pool, which is an entry in the WebLogic Server's file.


  java weblogic.Admin URL RESET_POOL poolName system password


The URL of the WebLogic Server host and port number of the TCP port at which WebLogic is listening for T3Client requests; use "t3://host:port."
Name of a connection pool as it is registered in the WebLogic Server's file.
Administrative password for the user "system". You must supply the username "system" and the administrative password to use this Admin command.


This command refreshes the connection pool registered as "eng" for the WebLogic Server listening on port 7001 of the host
  java weblogic.Admin t3:// RESET_POOL eng system gumby

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Shuts down a WebLogic Server.


  java weblogic.Admin URL SHUTDOWN system password


The URL of the WebLogic Server host and port number of the TCP port at which WebLogic is listening for T3Client requests; use "t3://host:port."
Administrator password to the WebLogic Server. The WebLogic Server password is set in the file. The username for the administrator is always "system", and both username and password must be supplied for this command.


This command shuts down a WebLogic Server listening on port 7001 of machine with an administrative password of gumby.
  java weblogic.Admin t3:// SHUTDOWN system gumby

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Unlocks WebLogic after a lock operation.


  java weblogic.Admin URL UNLOCK system passwd
The URL of the WebLogic Server host and port number of the TCP port at which WebLogic is listening for T3Client requests; use "t3://host:port."
Administrator password to the WebLogic Server. The WebLogic Server password is set in the file. The username for the administrator is always "system", and both username and password must be supplied for this command.


This command unlocks WebLogic, following a lock operation.
  java weblogic.Admin t3:// UNLOCK system gumby1234

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Displays the version of the WebLogic Server.


  java weblogic.Admin URL VERSION


The URL of the WebLogic Server host and port number of the TCP port at which WebLogic is listening for T3Client requests; use "t3://host:port."


This command displays the version for a WebLogic Server running on port 7001 of
  java weblogic.Admin t3:// VERSION

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Setting up multihoming

Multihoming means setting up more than one IP address on a single machine. You can run multiple WebLogic Servers on a multihomed machine. Each is reachable at a different IP address and a port that may be the same for all WebLogic Servers (as when you have multiple WebLogic Servers listening for HTTP requests on multiple IP addresses, but all on port 80). Multihoming is one way to try out WebLogic clusteringWhat's a WebLogic Cluster? if you only have one machine available for testing. For more information see Setting up a WebLogic Cluster.

A WebLogic Server's address is a combination of its IP address and the port at which it is listening for login requests. When you set up a machine to run a single WebLogic Server, you must set the listen port with the property weblogic.system.listenPort. If you do not set a bind address, the WebLogic Server will accept any request that comes into that port, regardless of the IP address. That is, if the bind address is not set, the WebLogic Server will bind to the IP address designation "any," which translates to any of the IP addresses set for the machine.

Several properties may be involved in setting up a multihomed machine to support multiple WebLogic Servers. You will set these properties in each per-server properties file, or -- if you have a global properties file and have established a per-server directory for each server -- you may use -D options to set these properties on the command line.

Set the bind address to the IP address or domain name at which the WebLogic Server will be reachable.

Set the port at which each WebLogic Server should listen for login requests. You may set the same port with multiple servers using different IP addresses; for example, if you have multiple servers listening for HTTP requests, they might each be listening on a different IP address, but all on port 80.
Set the name of each WebLogic Server. The system name will appear in the Console and the T3Admin servlet pages. A directory that matches each system name must be present in the weblogic.system.home directory, which by default is \weblogic. For example, here is the directory structure to support 3 WebLogic Servers all listening on port 80 on different IP addresses:

up multiple Servers

They all use the same global properties file, which sets the listen port to 80 and is present in the weblogic.system.home directory. Each is started by setting the following properties on the command line (you will need to substitute the correct bindAddr for each server):
$ java ...
  -Dweblogic.system.bindAddr= ...  

The number of connection requests the server will accept before refusing additional requests. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is OS dependant.

Each per-server directory will have its own weblogic.log, located in the directory corresponding to the server name. Place security certificates for each WebLogic Server in the appropriate per-server directory.

We include a few brief instructions here on how to add IP addresses, but in general you should ask your system or network administrator about assigning multiple IP addresses. There may be issues that affect your network environment.

How to add IP addresses on your Windows NT machine

Note that in some configurations, including machines with Virtual Private Network (VPN) clients, Multihoming may not function correctly.

  1. In the Start menu, choose Settings, and then open the Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Network icon.
  3. Select the Protocols tab.
  4. Highlight "TCP/IP Protocol."
  5. Click the Protocols button.
  6. Click the Advanced button.
  7. In the IP Addresses panel, click the Add button.
  8. Set the new IP address and subnet mask and click the Add button.
  9. Click the OK button on each panel.

How to add IP addresses on your UNIX machine

These instructions are specific for Solaris. Most UNIX systems should work the same way. Generally speaking, you use the ifconfig command to set up multiple IP addresses, but the exact syntax depends on the platform and OS version.

Note that if you want these settings to remain after a re-boot, you will need to modify the appropriate startup scripts.

  1. Create the appropriate /etc/hostname file. For example, myserver has one ethernet interface (hme0) and one logical interface (hme0:1, for host 'myserver1'). For each interface on a multihomed Solaris host, there must be a hostname file in the /etc directory that contains the hostname of the host listening on that interface. It must be a valid hostname that resolves under DNS.

  2. Run the command /usr/sbin/ifconfig/IF:N ip-address up, where IF is the an interface (like 'hme0'), ip-address is the address of the new virtual host, and N is the instance number of the logical interface.

  3. To remove an interface and associated address, run the command ifconfig IF:N down.


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Last updated 09/25/1999