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Setting up WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity

What is WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity?
Configuring WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity
Starting WebLogic Server with WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity
Monitoring WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity in the Console
Try the WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity examples
Contacting BEA customer support

Other documents
WebLogic installation guides (Getting started)
Developers Guide Using WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity

What is WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity?

BEA WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity allows Java applications running in the WebLogic Server to access objects in a WebLogic Enterprise CORBA domain. You define a WebLogic Enterprise connection pool for each WebLogic Enterprise domain you want to access from WebLogic Server Java applications. WebLogic Server populates the pools with IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) connections. WebLogic applications can get a connection from the pool and call objects in the WebLogic Enterprise CORBA domain.

Configuring WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity

This section describes how to set up a WebLogic Enterprise connection pool in the WebLogic Server. Your WebLogic Server must have network access to the hosts with the WebLogic Enterprise domains you want to access via WebLogic Server Java applications.

You configure an IIOP connection pool in the file by adding a weblogic.CORBA.connectionPool property. When the WebLogic Server starts up, it creates the connection pools you have defined and adds IIOP connections to them.

You can configure multiple IIOP connection pools in a single WebLogic Server. The poolName must be unique in the file for each pool you define, and you can only define one pool per WebLogic Enterprise domain.

The weblogic.CORBA.connectionPool property has this format:

  domainname=WebLogic Enterprise CORBA domain name,\
  minpoolsize=number of initial connections,\
  maxpoolsize=maximum number of connections,\
  username=WebLogic Enterprise username,\
  userpassword=password for username,\
  userrole=WebLogic Enterprise role for username,\
  apppassword=TUXEDO password

The arguments for the weblogic.CORBA.connectionPool properties are as follows:

(Required) The name for this connection pool. It must be unique for each connection pool defined in the file.

(Required) The name of the WebLogic Enterprise CORBA domain this connection pool to which this connection pool connects. You can have only one connection pool per WebLogic Enterprise CORBA domain. The domainname must match the domainid parameter in the RESOURCES section of the ubbconfig file for the WebLogic Enterprise domain.

(Required) A list of ISL process addresses that are used to establish the pool's connections. The format of each address is "//hostname:port", and must match the ISL address information specified in the ubbconfig file. Separate multiple addresses with semicolons (;).

(Optional) A list of ISL process addresses used if connections cannot be established with addresses in the appaddrlist argument. Separate multiple addresses with semicolons (;).

(Required) The number of IIOP connections to add to the connection pool when the WebLogic Server first starts up.

(Required) The maximum number of connections the pool may have.

(Optional) The WebLogic Enterprise username. This is required only if the WebLogic Enterprise authentication level is USER_AUTH.

(Optional) Password for the username user. This is required only when you define the username argument.

(Optional) WebLogic Enterprise user role. This is required when the WebLogic Enterprise authentication level is USER_AUTH or APP_PW.

(Optional) TUXEDO application password. This is required only if the WebLogic Enterprise authentication level is USER_AUTH or APP_PW.

Starting WebLogic Server with WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity

WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity depends upon a set of Java classes that implement a CORBA Object Request Broker (ORB). With WebLogic Server 4.0 and WebLogic Server 4.5.0, these classes conflict with Java 2 (JDK 1.2) classes, so these releases only support WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity with Java 1.1.x.

WebLogic Server supports WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity with Java 1.1.x and Java 2. However, to use WebLogic Enterprise Connectity with Java 2, you must add weblogic/lib/poolorb.jar to the Java System classpath before you start WebLogic Server. If you run WebLogic Server with JDK 1.1.x, you must not add weblogic/lib/poolorb.jar to the classpath.

See Setting up and starting the WebLogic Server for more about setting classpaths for WebLogic Server.

Monitoring WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity in the Console

WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity connection pools can be monitored in the WebLogic Console. When you start the Console and connect to a WebLogic Server with a WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity IIOP connection pool, "IIOP Connection Pool Manager" appears in the list of managed objects. Choose the connection pool you want to monitor to see status and statistics for the pool.

WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity connection pool

For each connection in the pool there is a row that contains the following columns describing the connection.

The connection's address in hostname:port format.

Last Access
The date and time the connection was last used.

"yes" if the connection is alive, "no" if it is not.

The cumulative number of requests made on the connection.

The number of active requests on the connection.

A count of errors that have occurred on the connection.

"yes" if the connection is in an active transaction, "no" if not.

Try the WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity examples

The WebLogic distribution includes several WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity examples, which you can find in the examples/wlec directory. Each subdirectory contains an example, with instructions for setting it up and running it.

Contacting BEA customer support

If you have questions about this version of WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity or if you have problems installing or running the classes, please contact BEA customer support at BEA Websupport.

When contacting customer support, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your name, email address, and phone and fax numbers
  • Your company name and address
  • Your machine type and authorization codes
  • Name and version of the product you are using
  • Description of the problem and content of pertinent error messages


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Last updated 4/21/1999