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WebLogic Server Administration
WebLogic Administrators Guide

Events help

The WebLogic Server uses WebLogic Events to handle internal processes. The WebLogic Server registers interest in certain topics, like the WEBLOGIC.ACCOUNTING topic; the evaluator and action for this registration manages the logging facility in the WebLogic Server.

There are several pages for examination of event handling in the WebLogic Server. Event Topics gives a summary of topics in the event server's topic tree, how many registrations of interest there are in each topic, and how many events have been delivered for those registrations. You can click on the registration count summary for any event to see details about the registrations of interest in that topic.

Event Registrations displays all the registration information for all of the topics in the event server's topic tree. The registrations page is divided into four columns: ID, evaluator summary, action summary, and other details about each registration. The evaluator and the action are the classes in the event server that evaluates a received event message; both have a set of parameters that qualify the scope of the registration's interest in an event. The WebLogic Server itself submits event messages to the event server that are evaluated and acted upon.

For more information on WebLogic Events, check the WebLogic Events whitepaper and the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic Events, on the WebLogic website.

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Last updated 2/8/1999