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Third-party software

For general information on using third-party software with WebLogic Server, please see our documentation for Frequently Asked Questions: 3rd party software.

WebGains's VisualCafé

VisualCafé Enterprise Suite builds on proven Java development technology and delivers a complete Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the heterogeneous enterprise. Enterprise Suite inherits powerful productivity features and database functionality from the VisualCafé family while introducing unique new server-side development and distributed debugging capabilities to minimize the challenges of enterprise Java application development. VisualCafé Enterprise Suite is the most mature and open Java development environment backed by extensive industry wide support.

Please see our documentation for Using VisualCafe with WebLogic Server.

IBM's VisualAge

To develop the transactional applications that run on the Web, you need the application development environments that IBM VisualAge delivers today. New VisualAge Generator 4.0 is fully integrated with VisualAge for Java, offering a single, seamless enterprise Java IDE so traditionally skilled developers can use the skills they have today and evolve to Java programming at their own pace.

Please see our documentation for Using the Integration Kit for VisualAge.

Informix's Cloudscape

Cloudscape is the first 100% Pure Java SQL database management system. Cloudscape is designed to be embedded in client or server applications as a local data manager. It implements SQL-92 with extensions for Java that enable the developer to create a column of type Java class, and to write stored procedures in Java for execution inside the DBMS.

Please see our documentation for Using the Cloudscape database with WebLogic.

Borland's JBuilder

JBuilder 3 is a major new version of Borland's award-winning family of visual development tools for creating platform independent Java business and database applications. JBuilder 3 provides comprehensive support for the Java 2 platform and allows individual and corporate developers to more easily create platform-independent business and database applications, distributed enterprise applications, and JavaBean components.

Please see our documentation for Using Borland's JBuilder with WebLogic.

Sybase's PowerJ

PowerJ provides a true end-to-end solution for building sophisticated Internet applications, exploiting the benefits of HTML, Java clients, and delivering powerful Java server-side components. PowerJ not only offers powerful database capabilities -- it also integrates seamlessly with Sybase Enterprise Application Server, enabling enterprise-class applications from creation, to testing and debugging, to deployment.

Please see our documentation for Using WebLogic JDBC with Sybase PowerJ.

WebGains's TOPLink

TOPLink for BEA WebLogic gives you an even more powerful tool for building effective EJB applications. That’s because TOPLink is seamlessly integrated with BEA WebLogic, a proven application server written completely in Java with the most comprehensive implementation of the Java Enterprise Standards including Enterprise JavaBeans technology. With TOPLink for BEA WebLogic, you can efficiently build components for application servers that run on Java, while significantly cutting application development time and expense.

Sitraka Software's JProbe

With other performance-tuning toolkits, developers working on specific application servers must use command line prompts. Under these circumstances, setting up the session typically involves time-consuming manual configuration, and usually more than a fair share of trial and error. The JProbe 3.0 ServerSide Launch Pad eliminates much of this effort, making server-side tuning fast and easy. JProbe supports many popular Web and application servers, including WebLogic Server 4.5.1, 5.1 and 6.0.

Versant's VERSANT Enterprise Container

VERSANT Enterprise Container (VEC) is the integration between VERSANT ODBMS and EJB compliant application server. VEC supports BEA WebLogic Server.™ VERSANT Enterprise Container is an EJB compliant container which plugs right into the application server, allowing transparent persistence for your entity beans. VERSANT Enterprise Container is targeted at applications that have complex object models and require high performance access to persistent data.

eXcelon's Javlin

EJB is the standard for building scalable eBusiness applications, from eCommerce, supply-chain, and customer-relationship management, to enterprise information and application portals, and others.
EJB-compliant application servers facilitate the creation, distribution, and integration of eBusiness Java components in the middle tier--but they do not do the same for data. In order to meet or exceed time to market and performance goals, you need a middle-tier data manager like Javlin to complement your EJB server.

eXcelon's ObjectStore

ObjectStore is an ideal data management solution for developers creating dynamic, reliable, high-performance applications for telecommunications, packaged software, the Internet and other distributed computing environments.
ObjectStore combines best-of-breed, object data management with Java and C++, and ActiveX to enable the development and delivery of high-speed, complex Web transactions, dynamic content, and network management applications.


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