BEA Logo BEA WebLogic Server Release 1.1

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BEA WebLogic Server 4.5.1 and 4.5.2


The following document lists the differences between Weblogic Server Version 4.5.1 and WebLogic Server Version 4.5.2. The WebLogic Server 4.5.2 was based on the 4.5.1 release, yet there are some differences. The 4.5.2 release was made public in June of 2000 and it's first service pack was made available in September. The 4.5.2 Weblogic Server with Service Pack 1 was, except for the discrepancies listed below, modeled on the 4.5.1 version with WebLogic Service Pack 11 installed. The following lists the disparate issues between Weblogic Server 4.5.1 with Service Pack 11 and WebLogic Server with Service Pack 1.

The following changes are in WebLogic Server 4.5.1 (with Service Pack 11 installed) but not in in WebLogic Server 4.5.2 (with Service Pack 1 installed):

The following changes are in in WebLogic Server 4.5.2 (with Service Pack 1 installed), but not in WebLogic Server 4.5.1 (with Service Pack 11 installed):