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Class weblogic.jdbc.dblib.CallableStatement


public class CallableStatement
extends PreparedStatement
implements CallableStatement

This API reference document covers only the WebLogic extension to JDBC for use with Sybase OpenServer. Other information about this class is in java.sql.CallableStatement.

A CallableStatement object is constructed as a java.sql.CallableStatement. In order to use this extension to JDBC, you must explicitly cast the object as weblogic.jdbc.dblib.CallableStatement.

See Also:
prepareCall, ResultSet

Method Index

 o setParamName(int, String)
Use this method to apply the specified name to a parameter in the CallableStatement at the specified index.


 o setParamName
  public void setParamName(int index,
                           String name) throws SQLException
Use this method to apply the specified name to a parameter in the CallableStatement at the specified index.

Call this method immediately after the parameter is set with a setXXX() method, or registered as an output parameter with a call to registerOutParameter(). This should be called only once per parameter for a given CallableStatement. If one parameter in a CallableStatement is named, every parameter must be named, or an OpenServer error will occur. The name given to each parameter must match the name given to the parameter in the declaration, whether for a SQL Server stored procedure or an OpenServer RPC, or the CallableStatement will not be executed.

index - Index into the parameters for the CallableStatement
name - Name to apply to the parameter
Throws: SQLException
if the param name cannot be set or if the param name has already been set

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