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Class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection


public class Connection
extends Object
implements Connection
This API reference document covers only the WebLogic extension to JDBC that accesses the Oracle OCI C Function oopt(). Other information about this class is in java.sql.Connection. A Connection is usually constructed as a java.sql.Connection. In order to use this extension to JDBC, you must explicitly cast your Connection object as weblogic.jdbc.oci.Connection.

Copyright (c) 1997 by WebLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Index

 o waitOnResources(boolean)
Use this method to access the Oracle oopt() function for C (see section 4-97 of The OCI Functions for C).


 o waitOnResources
 public void waitOnResources(boolean val)
Use this method to access the Oracle oopt() function for C (see section 4-97 of The OCI Functions for C). The Oracle C function sets options in cases where requested resources are not available; for example, whether to wait for locks.

When the argument to this method is true, this WebLogic extension to JDBC sets this option so that your program will receive an error return code whenever a resource is requested but is unavailable. Use of this method can cause several error return codes while waiting for internal resources that are locked for short durations.

val - True if the connection should wait on resources

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