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Examples and demos

Using WebLogic's jdbcKona products
The WebLogic jdbcKona (tm) products are native JDBC drivers for Oracle, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server. Here are some simple code examples of the jdbcKona products.

WebLogic JDBC examples
WebLogic JDBC, working within the WebLogic multitier framework, gives applets and multitier applications JDBC access to relational databases. You will find examples here of how to use connection pools, cached logins, and how a T3Client can store and fetch arbitrary objects on the WebLogic Server. (There is more about the architecture in our whitepapers.)

Simplifying JDBC programming with dbKona
dbKona sits on top of the JDBC API and works with any JDBC-compliant driver, including WebLogic's industry-leading jdbcKona drivers and WebLogic JDBC. Here are some code examples.

Creating dynamic documents with htmlKona
The WebLogic htmlKona package enables a Java application to generate complex, on-the-fly HTML pages. With WebLogic HTTP Servlets, dbKona, and htmlKona, you can put up an interactive, customized page for every customer. Take the quick tour for a sampling of htmlKona's easy-to-use objects.

These examples illustrate how you use htmlKona with Java-enabled HTTP servers like WebLogic and JavaSoft's Java WebServer.


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Last updated 1/10/98