


Simplifying JDBC programming with dbKona

dbKona, one of WebLogic's database connectivity products, is a high-level API that uses any JDBC driver, including all of WebLogic's JDBC drivers. dbKona gives you the advantages of standard JDBC plus a great set of high-level objects that make database programming a lot easier.

Things like automatic generation of SQL -- if you understand the basics of SQL, you can use dbKona without having to know how each vendor uses it. Plus if you've written a dbKona program, you can change databases underneath your program and have dbKona take care of the vendor-specific details.

And dbKona also gives you a lot more flexibility in dealing with your query results. You can take a standard JDBC ResultSet and use it to create a dbKona DataSet -- and then display it in a table in an HTML page in one simple, easy step.

Using dbKona with WebLogic JDBC takes you one step further, with powerful features like data caching and shared query results for multiple clients.

With dbKona, you get the best of JDBC in an easy-to-use, flexible package. Check out these examples.

Executing a query
This code example shows how to prepare and execute a query whose results will create a QueryDataSet. You can construct QueryDataSets in several ways that are illustrated here.

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Adding, modifying, and deleting records
dbKona's TableDataSet simplies the task of inserting, updating, and deleting records by automatically generating the DML SQL. This example shows how to modify records in a TableDataSet and save those changes to the DBMS.

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Using sequences
You can use a dbKona Sequence object to create a sequence on an Oracle DBMS. This example shows how to create, use, and drop a sequence.

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More code examples

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Last updated 12/29/98