(EntityDescriptor ; For entity EJBeans, this file must start with "(EntityDescriptor" ; For session EJBeans, this file must start with "(SessionDescriptor" ; Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by BEA WebXpress. All Rights Reserved. beanHomeName beanManaged.AccountHome ; JNDI name of EJBean enterpriseBeanClassName examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountBean ; The EJBean class homeInterfaceClassName examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountHome ; The home interface implemented by a class generated by ; the EJB compiler (ejbc). ; See "homeClassName" below to plug in your own home class. remoteInterfaceClassName examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.Account ; This interface is implemented by an "EJBObject", a wrapper ; class that is generated by the EJB compiler (ejbc). This wrapper ; interposes between a caller and the EJBean, and deals with ; concurrency, transactions and security. See "ejbObjectClassName" ; below to plug in your own EJBObject class. isReentrant false ; Either "true" or "false". ; If true, the same transaction is allowed to revisit an EJBean. ; If the EJBean does not support transactions or if a transaction ; is not active, a lock is taken out on behalf of the EJBObject. ; Session EJBeans cannot be reentrant; this property must be "false". (accessControlEntries ; DEFAULT [admin] ; Specifies security access control for the EJBean as a whole (under ; the DEFAULT entry), and/or provide method-specific access control ; entries. ; ; [For additional information on WebLogic security, please see ; the WebLogic Developer Guide "Using WebLogic ACLs (Access Control Lists)" ; available at http://www.weblogic.com/docs/classdocs/API_acl.html.] ; ; Names in the entries should represent role names. ; As per the JavaSoft EJB specification, ; you should not define a single user for access control; ; instead, use a role. ; Roles map to groups. You can then change the users on the ; ACL without having to recompile your EJBean. ; Methods with the same name but with different signatures can be ; distinguished by supplying the complete method signature. ; ; Example: ; DEFAULT [admin] ; deposit [everyone] ; "withdraw(double)" [admin managers] ; "withdraw(int)" [admin managers] ; ; Note: ; The method name is that of the corresponding home or remote interface, ; or of the EJBean itself. It must be a business method, an ; ejbCreate() method, a finder method, or the ejbRemove() method. ; Method names that are not single words must be enclosed in ; double quotes("). ); end accessControlEntries (controlDescriptors ; This section decides the run-time properties when a method is called. ; The DEFAULT sub-section applies to all methods, but can be overridden ; on a per-method basis, similar to the "accessControlEntries" above. (DEFAULT isolationLevel TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE ; Sets the JDBC transaction isolation level ; ; TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED ; Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur. ; ; TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED ; Dirty reads prevented; non-repeatable and phantom reads possible. ; ; TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ ; Dirty and non-repeatable reads prevented; phantom reads possible. ; ; TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE ; The strictest isolation level; all of the above problems avoided. transactionAttribute TX_REQUIRED ; TX_BEAN_MANAGED EJBean starts and ends transaction. ; TX_MANDATORY Caller must start transaction. ; TX_REQUIRED EJBean requires a transaction, WebLogic will ; start one if caller hasn't already done so. ; TX_NOT_SUPPORTED WebLogic suspends caller's transaction ; before calling EJBean. ; TX_REQUIRES_NEW WebLogic starts a new transaction for every call. ; TX_SUPPORTS WebLogic simply passes the caller's transaction along. runAsMode CLIENT_IDENTITY ; This option sets the effective user identity; options are: ; CLIENT_IDENTITY The caller's identity is passed to the EJBean. ; SPECIFIED_IDENTITY See "runAsIdentity" below. ; SYSTEM_IDENTITY "system" in the weblogic realm. ; runAsIdentity paul ; If "runAsMode" is set to SPECIFIED_IDENTITY, assume the identity ; given by "runAsIdentity" before passing the call to the EJBean. ); end DEFAULT ); end controlDescriptors (environmentProperties ; homeClassName ; For a home interface called "Foo", the EJB compiler generates ; an implementation called "FooHomeImpl". You can inherit from ; it and override or provide new methods in a custom class, by ; specifying that class's name for this property. ; ejbObjectClassName ; For a remote interface called "Foo", the EJB compiler generates ; an implementation called "FooEOImpl". You can inherit from ; it and override or provide new methods in a custom class, by ; specifying that class's name for this property. maxBeansInFreePool 20 ; WebLogic EJB maintains a free pool of beans for every bean class. ; This property decides the size of the pool. maxBeansInCache 100 ; Maximum number of objects of this class that are allowed in memory. ; Objects are kept in an LRU chain, and the ones dropped from the ; end of the chain are passivated. idleTimeoutSeconds 10 ; The LRU chain (see "maxBeansInCache" above) is scrubbed of ; inactive objects after at least this many seconds ); end environmentProperties ; Entity EJBean-specific properties: ; For entity EJBeans you must specify the primary key class and ; (if applicable) the container-managed attributes. primaryKeyClassName examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountPK ; Note that for container-managed persistence (according to ; the EJB 1.0 spec) you must have a custom class for the ; primary key -- "java.lang.String" won't do. ; For EJBean-managed persistence, it can be any class. ; containerManagedFields [accountId balance] ; For container-managed persistence only. ; The list of public non-transient attributes of the EJBean ; that are to be made persistent. ; To include all EJBean attributes without having to ; enumerate them by name, use: ; containerManagedFields * ; end entity EJBean-specific properties ); end EntityDescriptor or SessionDescriptor