; Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by BEA WebXpress. All Rights Reserved. (EntityDescriptor beanHomeName containerManaged.AccountHome enterpriseBeanClassName examples.ejb.basic.containerManaged.AccountBean homeInterfaceClassName examples.ejb.basic.containerManaged.AccountHome remoteInterfaceClassName examples.ejb.basic.containerManaged.Account isReentrant false (accessControlEntries ; DEFAULT [admin manager] ); end accessControlEntries (controlDescriptors (DEFAULT isolationLevel TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE transactionAttribute TX_REQUIRED runAsMode CLIENT_IDENTITY ; runAsIdentity admin ); end DEFAULT ); end controlDescriptors (environmentProperties ; homeClassName ; ejbObjectClassName maxBeansInFreePool 20 maxBeansInCache 1000 idleTimeoutSeconds 5 (finderDescriptors "findAccount(double balanceEqual)" "(= balance $balanceEqual)" ; This is converted to a "findAccount" method in ; the generated persistent storage class, which returns ; returns a bean of this class that satisfies this expression. "findBigAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)" "(> balance $balanceGreaterThan)" ; This is converted to a "findBigAccounts" method ; in the generated persistent storage class, which ; returns an enumeration of beans of this class ; that satisfy this expression. "findOrderedBigAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)" "(orderBy 'id' (> balance $balanceGreaterThan))" ; This is converted to a "findOrderedBigAccounts" method ; in the generated persistent storage class, which ; returns an enumeration of beans of this class ; that satisfy this expression, ordered by the column 'id'. "findDescOrderedBigAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)" "(orderBy 'id desc' (> balance $balanceGreaterThan))" ; This is converted to a "findDescOrderedBigAccounts" method ; in the generated persistent storage class, which ; returns an enumeration of beans of this class ; that satisfy this expression, in descending order by the column 'id'. "findNullAccounts()" "(isNull type)" ; This is converted to a "findNullAccounts" method ; in the generated persistent storage class, which ; returns an enumeration of beans of this class ; that have a name that is null. ); end finderDescriptors (persistentStoreProperties persistentStoreType jdbc ; Note: the value of the persistentStoreType must be lowercase. ; persistentStoreClassName (jdbc tableName ejbAccounts dbIsShared false poolName demoPool (attributeMap ; EJBean field Database column name ; ----------------------------------------- accountId id balance bal type type ); end attributeMap ); end jdbc ); end persistentStoreProperties ); end environmentProperties ; Entity EJBean-specific properties: primaryKeyClassName examples.ejb.basic.containerManaged.AccountPK containerManagedFields [accountId balance type] ; end entity EJBean-specific properties. ); end EntityDescriptor