package examples.htmlkona; import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import weblogic.db.jdbc.*; import weblogic.html.*; /** * This servlet shows how you can use dbKona QueryDataSets to display * data on an HTML page. A QueryDataSet holds the results of any SQL * query. The results are available as a collection of Records * accessible by an integer index. *

* You can create new records and modify existing records of a * QueryDataSet, but the additions and changes cannot be saved. If you * wish to save such changes, use a TableDataSet instead. *

* A Record contains a collection of attribute values that correspond to * one fetch of a query. The Record elements are accessible by either * integer position or string name. * * @author Copyright (c) 1996-98 by WebLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * @author Copyright (c) 1999 by BEA WebXpress, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ public class SimpleQueryDisplay extends HttpServlet { public synchronized void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { Connection conn = null; try { res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); res.setContentType("text/html"); conn = defaults.login(); SelectStmt sql = new SelectStmt(Enums.ORACLE); // The first argument is the attribute name, the second is the alias sql.field("empno", "Emp ID") .field("ename", "Emp Name") .field("sal", "Emp Salary") .from("emp") .where("sal < 2000") .order("empno"); QueryDataSet qs = new QueryDataSet(conn, sql); // We could have used an SQL string instead of a SelectStmt // QueryDataSet qs = new QueryDataSet(db, "select empno, ename, sal from emp " + // "where sal < 2000 order by empno"); qs.fetchRecords(); // Use an htmlKona UnorderedList to display the results UnorderedList ul = new UnorderedList(); String name = ""; String id = ""; String salstr = ""; int sal = 0; for (int i = 0; i < qs.size(); i++) { Record rec = qs.getRecord(i); int tmp = rec.getValue("Emp Salary").asInt(); ul.addElement(new ListItem("$" + tmp)); if ( tmp > sal) { sal = tmp; name = rec.getValue("Emp Name").asString(); id = rec.getValue("Emp ID").asString(); salstr = rec.getValue("Emp Salary").asString(); } } ServletPage hp = new ServletPage("Simple Query Display"); hp.getBodyElement() .setAttribute(BodyElement.bgColor, HtmlColor.white); hp.getBody() .addElement(MarkupElement.HorizontalLine) .addElement(new HeadingElement("Query String: ", +2)) .addElement(sql.toString()) .addElement(MarkupElement.HorizontalLine) .addElement("I examined the values:") .addElement(ul) .addElement(MarkupElement.HorizontalLine) .addElement("The maximum salary of those employees with a salary < 2000 is:") .addElement(MarkupElement.Break) .addElement("Name: ") .addElement(new BoldElement(name)) .addElement(MarkupElement.Break) .addElement("ID: ") .addElement(new BoldElement(id)) .addElement(MarkupElement.Break) .addElement("Salary: ") .addElement(new BoldElement(salstr)) .addElement(MarkupElement.HorizontalLine) .addElement("Copyright 1996-99 by BEA WebXpress, Inc. All Rights Reserved."); hp.output(res.getOutputStream()); } catch (Exception e) { defaults.showException(e, res.getOutputStream()); } // Always close the connection in a finally block. finally { try {conn.close();} catch (Exception e2) {;} } } }