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Guide to the WebLogic code examples

The WebLogic examples

COM examples
Database-related examples:
   WebLogic JDBC and jdbcKona drivers
Jolt for WebLogic
WebLogic Cluster
WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity
WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans
WebLogic Events
WebLogic File
WebLogic HTTP Servlets
WebLogic JMS
WebLogic JNDI
WebLogic JSP
WebLogic RMI
WebLogic SSL and ACLs
WebLogic T3Client
WebLogic Time
WebLogic Workspaces
WebLogic ZAC
Utility files

The WebLogic examples

The examples in these directories are designed to illustrate a variety of tasks with WebLogic.
  • For general information on setting up your development environment for running WebLogic Server and these examples, see the TechStart Guide Setting your development environment. Though many of the examples are shipped "pre-built", we encourage you to setup a development environment and build the examples yourself to learn how to use WebLogic.

  • For the specific details on running an example, look at the documentation for that example using the links below.

  • For more details on using the services and principles demonstrated in the examples, read the Developers Guide for each API. There's a link -- shown as (more) -- to the appropriate Developers Guide with each example listed below.

Applets (more)
How to use WebLogic products to retrieve and display database data in applets.

COM examples (more)
VBClient shows how to invoke and operate on a Java object from a COM client. ServerSideDLLClient illustrates how to use the Weblogic COM compiler to generate Java wrapper classes for a server side COM object.

Database-related examples: WebLogic JDBC and jdbcKona drivers
jdbcKona two-tier drivers (more)
How to use WebLogic JDBC with a variety of DBMSes, including Oracle, MSSQLServer4, ODBC, Informix4. Note: The Informix4 and MSSQLServer4 drivers are shipped and downloaded separately from WebLogic Server.

WebLogic JDBC (more)
Example of WebLogic's T3Client and connection pool facilities.

dbKona (more)
Some examples of dbKona's high-level data objects that work with any JDBC driver for database interaction in your application, including client-side management of query results and automatic generation of SQL.

More database use in servlets and applets (more)
Also check out the WebLogic HTTP Servlet examples, several of which use databases for dynamic data; and check out the Applet examples for more multitier database examples.

Jolt for WebLogic (more)
How to use Enterprise JavaBeans and servlets in WebLogic with BEA Jolt for WebLogic to access BEA TUXEDO services.

WebLogic Cluster (more)
The Cluster Enterprise JavaBean and HelloCluster illustrate use of EJB and RMI with WebLogic Clusters.

WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity (more)
How to execute CORBA objects in a WebLogic Enterprise (formerly M3) domain from WebLogic Server servlets and EJBs using a BEA IIOP connection pool in the file.

WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans (more)
These WebLogic Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) examples demonstrate both entity and session EJBeans; using finders and WebLogic extensions; using EJBeans with servlets; and accessing integrated WebLogic services such as JNDI and Jolt Servers.

WebLogic Events (more)
These examples explain how to use WebLogic Events for managing communications between applications.

WebLogic File (more)
These examples use WebLogic File services to browse files, time your system's file transfer rate, and search for a file on the WebLogic Server.

WebLogic HTTP Servlets (more)
These examples use adaptations of selected JavaSoft Servlets to demonstrate how to write servlets.

We've also got examples that show how to use htmlKona to display dynamic data, plus how to work with server-side includes.

WebLogic JMS (more)
How to use WebLogic JMS, WebLogic's implementation of the Java Messaging Service.

WebLogic JNDI (more)
How to obtain a WebLogic JNDI naming context from either the client or the server.

WebLogic JSP (more)
How to embed Java in your HTML pages to create automagically compiling servlets. WebLogic JSP pages can take advantage of all of WebLogic's server-side capabilities, including JDBC and EJB.

WebLogic RMI (more)
Hello, MultiHello, and Stock demonstrate the features of WebLogic RMI. The Stock package uses client-side callbacks into an applet.

WebLogic SSL and ACLs (more)
How to use access control lists (ACLs), for authorization, secure sockets layer (SSL) for secure network communications, and realms for authentication.

WebLogic T3Client (more)
How to construct a simple T3Client, connect to a WebLogic Server, perform startup queries, do a shutdown, set a timeout, and use facilities of the WebLogic Server.

WebLogic Time (more)
How to schedule recurring triggers that executes on the server and the client.

WebLogic Workspaces (more)
How to use WebLogic Workspaces for caching data, creating a hidden string, disconnecting and reconnecting to a workspace, and sharing a Workspace among several clients. How to use Workspace Monitors to carry out operations before setting, getting, or destroying values in Workspaces.

WebLogic ZAC (more)
Check out the source code for the demo apps that we ship already published in the distribution.

Utility files used with the examples


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Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 08/23/1999