All Examples  This Package

package examples.jms.topic

Class Index

  • TopicReceive
  • TopicSend
  • about this package

    The classes in this package work together to show how to establish a connection to a JMS Topic and receive messages from a Topic.

    Build the example:

    1. Set up your development shell, as described in Setting up your environment.
    2. Compile the files in this directory as shown in this examples for Windows NT:
        $ javac -d %CLIENT_CLASSES% *.java
    Run the example:
    1. Start the WebLogic Server in a new command shell.
    2. In your development shell, run the TopicReceive client with the following command:
        $ java examples.jms.topic.TopicReceive t3://hostname:port
      Host name of the WebLogic Server
      Port where the WebLogic Server is listening for connections (weblogic.system.ListenPort).
    3. To send messages to the topic, set up a new development shell, as described in Setting up your environment, and run the TopicSend client with the following command:
        $ java examples.jms.topic.TopicSend t3://hostname:port
      Host name of the WebLogic Server
      Port where the WebLogic Server is listening for connections (weblogic.system.ListenPort).
    4. To end the program, send a quit message from the shell running the TopicSend client.

    there's more...

    Read more about WebLogic JMS in the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic JMS.

    Copyright © 1997-1999 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Last updated 09/13/1999