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Deploying your WebLogic applications

WebLogic Administrators Guide

Deploying Servlets and Enterprise JavaBeans
Using WebLogic Server hot deploy
Using the WebLogic EJB Deployment Wizard
Setting WebLogic properties: HTTP- and servlet-related properties

Setting up your webserver
Using the WebLogic classes for server-side Java
Using WebLogic for applet programming
Installing the WebLogic-to-Netscape-Enterprise-Server bridge (NSAPI)
Installing the WebLogic-to-Microsoft-IIS bridge (ISAPI)

Tuning performance
Tuning the WebLogic Server
Performance tuning your JDBC application

Preparing and distributing your client apps
Using the AppletArchiver to create a .jar or .cab archive
Creating a .zip file for an applet
Creating a .zip file for a Java application
Publishing with WebLogic ZAC


Copyright © 2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 01/21/1999