BEA Logo BEA WebLogic Server Release 5.0

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Getting Started

When you click "Download" at the top of any page and accept the evaluation license agreement, you can register for a 30-day trial version of WebLogic's software. After you register, a URL for downloading will be sent to your email address. The kit you install comes ready to run in a single-server mode for up to 3 IP addresses. You can use it for 30 days free-of-charge. You will need a special license key to try out WebLogic's new clustering features; just contact your sales rep.

Special note for Java 2 (JDK 1.2.x) users:
Please see the supplemental information regarding running the WebLogic Server and compiling applications under Java 2 (JDK 1.2.x).

  1. Install your WebLogic Server.

  2. Windows users: Take the WebLogic tour! Select "Begin Tour" from the "WebLogic" folder in the Start menu to get a quick overview of WebLogic's great features.

  3. Read the Release Notes for the current version of WebLogic's software distribution.

  4. Installing extra features?

  5. Check out the code examples in your distribution, and take a look at our online documentation.

A list of resources to help you get started

Release notes for current version

Installing a WebLogic license

Setting up and starting WebLogic Server

WebLogic Administrators Guides

Using the WebLogic utilities

How to determine your IP address

Testing connections

Setting up the WebLogic code examples

Setting up WebLogic CORBA access

Installing type 2 JDBC drivers

WebLogic jdbcKona Type 4 drivers
Installing jdbcKona/Informix4
Installing jdbcKona/MSSQLServer4

Syntax conventions used in technical documents

  • Syntax statements appear in typewriter-like font.
  • Commands that you type appear in a bold typewriter-like font.
  • Values that you must supply for a typed command are shown in a bold italic typewriter-like font.
  • Optional arguments are shown in blue.
  • Code examples appear in blue typewriter-like font and comments to the code appear in red.

    Copyright © 2000 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
    Last updated 06/21/1999