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What do I do with all these connections, anyway?

In a network-savvy application, you can expect that there will be lots of connections. WebLogic's products are designed to make efficient, high-performance connections between your client and the network resources that it will need. We use different kinds of connections to accomplish specific tasks.

Because the word "connection" is used to describe many more specific kinds of links between parts of a network environment, its usage can sometimes be confusing. This document briefly explains several ways in which the word "connection" is used in our documentation.

If you are using a database in your WebLogic Express application that uses the multitier WebLogic JDBC driver, here are some explanations of the kinds of connections that you are likely to use in your application.

  • Database connection. You are probably familiar with this kind of connection. It describes the actual link between a database server and one of its clients. In the WebLogic multitier framework, the WebLogic Server becomes a "client" of your database server, and then in turn can provide database services to all of its T3Clients.

    You will probably use one of the jdbcKona two-tier drivers for the database connection. The jdbcKona two-tier drivers are Type 2 JDBC drivers that use the client libraries provided by your database vendor to maintain the connection that is labeled Database connection in the picture below. You install the client libraries on the host of the WebLogic Server. That's the only set of client libraries you will need to maintain and install.

    The database connection -- the WebLogic-Server-to-database link

  • T3Client connection. The T3Client connection is the link between a T3Client and WebLogic. The WebLogic JDBC driver uses a T3Connection to relay database queries to the database via the WebLogic Server. (There is more information in our whitepaper on Database Connectivity in WebLogic.)

    A T3Client connection may carry lots of different kinds of traffic; it is "multiplexed," meaning it can handle traffic for WebLogic JDBC, events, RMI, etc., all at once. A T3Client connection is also bidirectional -- it can handle client-to-server traffic at the same time it is taking care of server-to-client responses -- and asynchronous, which means the client can send, send, send several requests without "blocking," or waiting for the WebLogic Server to acknowledge them. These attributes make the T3Client connection an extremely polite and efficient network citizen.

    When you are doing WebLogic JDBC work, you may not even know about the T3Client connection. You can write your WebLogic JDBC client application so that the underlying T3Client connection is handled automatically for you; you do not need to open or close the T3Client connection explicity. But if you want to exploit other features in the WebLogic Server framework, you can get to the T3Client's connection very easily.

    The T3Connection -- the T3Client-to-WebLogic-Server link

  • WebLogic JDBC connection. This is the connection that a multitier application or applet uses to reach the database via the JDBC API. A WebLogic JDBC connection is just one kind of traffic that can run over a T3Client connection, as shown in the illustration below.

    You create a WebLogic JDBC connection by calling the getConnection() method in the Driver class. Then you use the WebLogic JDBC connection to create and execute Statements and examine ResultSets. (For more on choosing the right JDBC driver for your particular application, read Choosing a Java Database Connectivity driver.)

    The WebLogic JDBC Connection -- database work with the JDBC API

Of course, to write a database application with WebLogic doesn't require that you pick out certain kinds of connections for this task or that. That's all handled transparently for you.

You can see how few lines of Java it takes to write a WebLogic JDBC application -- just take a look at our demos and examples.

What's a "cached" connection?

Once you have got that WebLogic JDBC connection, you may want to save it so that your client application can go away, come back, and pick up exactly where you left off. You can "cache" (save) a WebLogic JDBC connection in your T3Client's Workspace on the WebLogic Server. Caching a connection saves all of the information about your use of the database.

So what's a "connection pool"?

A "connection pool" is a collection of WebLogic JDBC connections. You create a connection pool when you start the WebLogic Server by filling in some information -- like username, password, and other details -- in the WebLogic Server's configuration file.

When a T3Client application needs to do database work, your application can just ask to use a WebLogic JDBC connection from the connection pool. That saves the time and trouble of creating a WebLogic JDBC connection each time you need to do database work.

It also gives you some control over how your client applications use database resources. For example, you might have 100 client applications that do a bit of database work here and there. It wouldn't be a very efficient use of resources to create a WebLogic JDBC connection for each client. Instead, you can create a pool of perhaps 10 or 20 connections -- you can tune that to match your application's needs -- and each client can request and use a connection from the pool when necessary, without the overhead of actually creating the connection time after time. When the client completes its database work and closes the connection, WebLogic JDBC just returns the connection to the pool for someone else to use.

Connection pools are one of the convenient features of WebLogic's WebLogic JDBC that you can take advantage when you understand by creating a T3Client, connecting to the WebLogic Server, and then setting a couple of properties. In particular you need to create the T3Client object and set certain properties to tell WebLogic JDBC to give you a Connection object that uses one of the Oracle connections from the connection pool.

Links to documentation

More about creating a WebLogic JDBC connection

More about cached connections and connection pools


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Last updated 01/14/1999