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Special considerations for running WebLogic with Java 2

Supported configurations
Setting up a security policy file
WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity
JDBC 2.O support
CORBA support

Supported configurations

BEA certifies our products on multiple platforms, JVMs, and operating system configurations. Detailed information on which platforms are certified is available on the Platform support page. Customers deploying under Java 2 (JDK 1.2.x) should check this page for important information.


Special notes for Java 2 users

You may have to start the WebLogic Server with the -noverify flag if you get a java.lang.VerifyError on startup. This appears to be due to an incompatibility of the Java 2 SDK with classes that compile and verify with previous JDK versions.

Tools such as the JSP compiler (specified with the compileCommand argument of the weblogic.httpd.initiArgs.*.jsp property) must be compatible with the Java 2 SDK, since that is the environment in which they run.


JDBC drivers

We support the jdbcKona/Oracle, jdbcKona/MSSQLServer4, and jdbcKona/Informix4 JDBC drivers with Java 2. The type 2 JDBC drivers for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server are deprecated and cannot be run with Java 2.


Setting up a security policy file

The Java 2 security manager associates specific permissions with Java code loaded into the JVM from specified locations. The Java 2 SDK has default permissions that are adequate for many Java applications. As a multithreaded application server, however, WebLogic Server cannot run with only the default permissions.

To grant WebLogic Server the permissions it requires, you provide the JVM with a policy file that contains grant statements. Your WebLogic distribution contains a weblogic.policy file, which is located in the WebLogic home directory. For information on modifying the security policy file to match your environment, see Setting up the Java security manager for Java 2.

When you start WebLogic Server with Java 2, you specify the weblogic.policy file on the java command line by including the option:

About the ==: Using the doubled equals sign (==) instructs the JVM to replace the default security policy with the contents of the specified file. You could use a single equals sign to add the contents of the file to the default security policy. The Setting up Java security manager documentation at JavaSoft has more information about Java security policy.

If you use Java classes that are not located in the WebLogic installation directory, you will have to edit the weblogic.policy file to set permissions for those classes.

You can read more about the Java 2 policy environment and permissions at Default Policy Implementation and Policy File Syntax on the Java 2 website.


WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity

You can use WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity with WebLogic Server 4.5.1 and Java 2 SDK. This requires adding the weblogic/lib/poolorb.jar file to the Java system classpath (not the WebLogic system classpath) before you start WebLogic Server.


JDBC 2.0 support

With the exception of the JDBC type 2 drivers for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server, we support WebLogic JDBC drivers running with the Java 2 SDK, v1.2.1. However, WebLogic JDBC drivers do not yet support new JDBC 2.0 APIs.

You may use a third-party JDBC 2.0 driver with the WebLogic multitier driver. See Using third-party JDBC 2.0 drivers in a multitier configuration for more information.


CORBA support

Access to WebLogic Events and WebLogic Remote services from a CORBA client is not supported under Java 2.


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Last updated 10/1/1999