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How to upgrade your 0.8 WebLogic EJBeans

The implementation of EJBeans included with WebLogic 3.0 was based on the 0.8 specification from JavaSoft. WebLogic 3.1 includes an updated version, based on the new 1.0 specification. This document will tell you how to upgrade to the 1.0 EJB specification.

Since we document only WebLogic-specific changes in this section, you should read and familiarize yourself with this new 1.0 specification. We will assume that you understand the fundamental differences between the earlier and later specifications.

Client-side changes
Bean-related changes
Deployment Descriptor changes
Property-related changes
Utilities changes

Client-side changes

  1. RMI. Unless you use WebLogic RMI explicitly in your EJBeans, there is no longer a need to import weblogic.rmi anywhere on the client. Both EJBeans and clients now use java.rmi.RemoteException and java.rmi.Remote. You can change the import statement import weblogic.rmi.*; to:
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import java.rmi.Remote;

    WebLogic EJB uses WebLogic RMI internally. Our implementation does, however, import the interfaces java.rmi.Remote and java.rmi.RemoteException. This is required because javax.ejb.*, a Sun package that is part of the WebLogic distribution, requires these two packages.

  2. If you use WebLogic RMI explicitly in your EJBeans, you must still import weblogic.rmi.*.

  3. JNDI. The 0.8 restriction that all JNDI names configured in the deployment descriptor begin with "ejb." has been removed. With the new spec, if a EJBean's deployment descriptor lists, "", the lookup is carried out exactly as stated.

  4. JTS. You no longer need to import weblogic.jts.*, since JavaSoft now supplies JTS as javax.jts.*, which is shipped as a zip file with the distribution in the weblogic/lib directory. (You must add both and to your CLASSPATH.)

    Since no standard factories have been defined in the EJB specification, you must specify how to get an initial transaction UserTransaction object using JNDI.

    Here is an example. First import the javax classes for JNDI and JTS:

    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.jts.*;

    Then use WebLogic JNDI to set up a Context:

      Context weblogicCtx = null;
      Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
      try {
        weblogicCtx = new InitialContext(env);

    Now get a UserTransaction object from JNDI:

        UserTransaction ut = null;
        ut = (UserTransaction)weblogicCtx.lookup("javax.jts.UserTransaction");
        // Do the transaction work
        // Or rollback

    Finally, close the Context:

      catch (NamingException e) {
        // a failure occurred
      finally {
        try {weblogicCtx.close();}
        catch (Exception e) {
          // a failure occurred

    Note that with the 1.0 implementation, you do not have to import anything WebLogic-specific, nor do you need to call setServiceProviderURL() because you have already specified the WebLogic Server for JNDI.

    Bean-related changes

    There were many changes. Be sure to read the EJBean provider contracts in the specification.

    WebLogic comes with an EJB 1.0 compliance checker, which will help you upgrade your EJBeans. To run the compliance checker, use this command:

     $ java weblogic.ejb.utils.ComplianceChecker jar/ser
    where the supplied jar/ser is a jar file or serialized deployment descriptor.

    DDCreator runs this compliance checker internally.

    In the .8 specification, the word "container" is used to refer to the Container interface. In version 1.0, this has been changed to "Remote" interface.

    Deployment Descriptor changes

    The structure of the deployment descriptor text file has changed to mirror the structure specified in the spec. As before, all WebLogic-specific deployment information is packaged under the "environmentProperties" property.

    All the changes in the DD are structural, not conceptual.

    • Persistent store properties have been nested one level, below "persistentStoreProperties".
    • For JDBC, specifying a poolName is enough (and is in fact, the preferred approach). You do not have to specify the driver URL and driver class name, even though that option is also available.
    WebLogic also provides a GUI deployment wizard. Please see Using the WebLogic EJB Deployment Wizard.

    Property-related changes

    The syntax of the value you supply for one EJB-related property has changed. Note that you now specify the fully qualified path of both the jar and the ser files, as detailed here:

    The syntax for registering serialized deployment descriptors and jar files in the file has changed. This property should be set to a comma-delimited list of full (absolute) paths to each jar file and serialized deployment descriptor that you want to register. For example:

    Note that backslashes have a special meaning in the file.

    For more on properties to deploy EJBeans, see Setting WebLogic properties

    If you are using JDBC for persistence, also read about registering and using a connection pool in the EJB Developers Guide.

    Utilities changes

    1. DDCreator now has a "-dir" option to specify the destination location of the serialized DeploymentDescriptor. The serialized descriptor is named after the pattern beannameDD.ser. You can use the "-outputfile" option to specify an alternate base name.

    2. RemoteCreator and HomeCreator are not yet included in the release.


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Last updated 01/14/1999