Using the WebLogic Console

In the interactive tour, you can run the Console and the BigTel App side-by-side, to get a good idea of how the Console helps you monitor system activity. Here we show some screen shots of the Console that track the BigTel demo.

Here are some areas of interest that you can check out on the WebLogic Console while the BigTel App is running:

The EJB transactions folder

The EJB transactions folder shows general information about the deployment of the EJBean used for the Beeper applet. You'll also see the transactions for the tutorial.tootbe.beeper.Bean, including its type, how it is bound in the JNDI tree, names of its classes and interfaces, and its state.

EJB transactions in the Console

The Database folder

In the JDBC pools folder, you can see the description of the connection pool that the BigTel app is using. The number of connection requests and releases in the Console shows how many times we've connected using a connection from the pool. Each use is only a few milliseconds long.

JDBC connection pools in the Console

The Events folder

This displays WebLogic's Topic Tree, which is an n-ary tree that descends from most general -- the asterisk you see at the top of the tree -- to more specific. The BigTel folder shows registrations that we used in this demo for the Beeper applet and for logging in and logging out of field engineers.

Events in the Console

The Connected Users folder

Here you can see how many connections are currently open to the WebLogic Server.

Connected users while running the BigTel App

After we close the BigTel App, the number of connected users decreases immediately.

Connected user after quitting the BigTel App

Mr. Imayess and Ms. Veep were nodding. "There's a lot of information here," Ms. Veep said.

"I'll leave it running and you can check it out," the Java engineer said. "Let me tell you what we've got planned for next week!"

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