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WebLogic Server Administration
WebLogic Administrators Guide

Properties help

This help page shows and gives a short description of each property displayed on the Properties page. The main entry headline for deprecated properties appears in black; the entry for current properties appears in red.

The WebLogic Server depends on a set of properties to control its behavior. Currently, properties are stored in one or more properties files, and are read in by the WebLogic Server at startup time. You can alter a property by setting its value in the appropriate properties file, or by supplying a property name=value with the Java -D flag on the command line when you start WebLogic.

Properties are organized hierarchically. Most properties have 3 sections: "weblogic," followed by the name of the facility, and then by the name of the property, separated by periods. For example, the property to set the name of the server is WebLogic properties use innerCaps (rather than under_bars).

The weblogic.httpd.register property is used to register virtual names for servlets, and it extends the hierarchy one more level to accommodate the virtual name.

The WebLogic Admin Properties page displays properties from several sources. Properties displayed in the Current column are the current running properties in the WebLogic Server. The current properties come from one of four sources, which are detailed in the other four columns. The order in which properties are loaded when the WebLogic Server starts is as follows: first, the embedded properties set in the WebLogic Server are loaded, then properties from the global properties file, followed by properties in the per-server properties file, and finally, the properties set on the command line. Each property in succession overrides previously-read properties by the same name. If you have multiple properties files, for example a global properties file that sets the same properties as a per-server properties file located in the "myserver" folder, the properties set in the per-server properties file will override the globally set properties. If you are running only one WebLogic Server, use only the global properties file to set properties to avoid confusion.

You cannot change the default, embedded WebLogic Server properties. You can change properties in the global and per-server properties files by editing these files and restarting the WebLogic Server. You can set properties on the command line with the -D flag, as in:

  $ java -noasyncgc -Dweblogic.system.home=/usr/r3/weblogic/
(Enter the command on a single line.) For more information on setting properties, check the WebLogic Administrators Guide document on our website, Setting WebLogic properties.


Use this property to set Java system properties from within the file, instead of setting a system property on the command-line. For example, to use Cloudscape with WebLogic you must set the system property cloudscape.system.home to point to the Cloudscape data directory; we use a Cloudscape database for the WebLogic tour, and we ship this registration in the properties file:\

The pattern is:

Property weblogic.allow

This property serves as the prefix for associating ACL names with access control lists for the WebLogic Realm. For example, setting up an ACL for a Workspace would use this property plus the ACL permission "read" with the ACL name "weblogic.workspace", as in "," followed by a list of T3Users that make up the access control list.

Property weblogic.ejb.deploy

Identifies a comma-delimited list of jar files, deployment descriptors, etc., that should be deployed when the WebLogic Server starts up. Example:

Notice that the path names are absolute.

Property weblogic.httpd.allow

Deprecated in 3.0. Use access control lists to set up servlet access.

Property weblogic.http.tunneling.clientPingSecs
Property weblogic.http.tunneling.clientTimeoutSecs

These properties tune how the server determines whether a client and its connection are still alive when the connection is tunneled via HTTP. For more details, see the Administrators Guide, Setting up WebLogic as an HTTP server: Setting up the WebLogic Server for HTTP tunneling.

If clientTimeoutSecs seconds have elapsed since the client last sent a request to the server (in response to a reply), then the Server regards the client as dead, and terminates the HTTP tunnel connection. The Server checks the elapsed time every clientPingSecs, when it would otherwise respond to the client's request.

The default for clientPingSecs is set to 45 (in seconds); the valid range is between 20 and 900 seconds.

The default for clientTimeoutSecs is set to 40 (in seconds); the valid range is between 10 and 900 seconds.

Property weblogic.http.connectionQueueSize

Sets the maximum number of waiting messages the connection queue will hold before disconnecting the client. The default for the queue is set to 20 messages; the valid range is from 1 to 1000 messages.

Property weblogic.httpd.defaultMimeType

Sets the default file type for HTTP file requests that are of an unknown or unrecognized MIME type (usually designated by the file extension). By default, this property is set to "text/plain." A complete file type reference is encapsulated in weblogic.servlet.MimeTypes. Other related properties are documentRoot and MimeType.

Property weblogic.httpd.defaultServlet

The default servlet is the virtual path of a registered servlet that the WebLogic Server executes if it cannot map an incoming HTTP request to a registered servlet. The embedded system default for this server property points to the AdminMain servlet, which gives you access to the administration pages.

For more information on setting up an HTTPD proxy as the default servlet, check the WebLogic Administrators Guide document on the WebLogic website, Setting WebLogic properties.

If WebLogic cannot fulfill an HTTP request, according to the HTTP protocol, the HTTPD should deny the request. If the "weblogic.httpd.indexFiles"(see the following entry for details) is not set, you can however, have such unknown HTTP requests mapped automatically with the defaultServlet property, which is specified in the properties file as follows:



Property weblogic.httpd.indexFiles

When WebLogic cannot fulfill an HTTP request, the unknown HTTP request is mapped automatically with the first available index file from the index files list that can be specified with this property. The index file is separated by ','. The default value for this property is "index.html,index.htm,index.jsp".

Property weblogic.httpd.documentRoot

Maps a server host directory to the HTTP document root for serving pages, images, and other MIME types. The default location if this property is unset is the "myserver/public_html" directory.

The document root is used for JHTML files (PageCompileServlet), for serving standard HTML pages and images (FileServlet), and for SSI (ServerSideIncludeServlet).

Property weblogic.httpd.enable

Turns on HTTP access to the WebLogic Server. If you set this property to true, it is recommended that you create access control lists to control access to Server resources.

The WebLogic Server offers port 80 access to serve HTTP servlets and T3Servlets as well as HTML pages, images, jar files, etc.

Property weblogic.httpd.enableEvents

Enables the logging of HTTPD requests with WebLogic Events when this property is set to true. The default is false. If t his property is set to true, all HTTP requests generate an event with the same information that is logged to the HTTP log file. The event is delivered to the topic weblogic.log.http. Parameters delivered with this event are REMOTE_HOST, RFC931, AUTH_USER, DATE, VIRTUAL_DOMAIN, REQUEST, STATUS, BYTES, REFERER, USER_AGENT. These correspond to the information stored in the common log format.

See weblogic.httpd.enableLogFile for more information about each property, or Running and maintaining the WebLogic Server for more information on setting the properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.enableLogFile

Logs HTTP requests to a separate log file, in addition to the WebLogic Server's log file. This file is the access.log file, found in the same directory as the weblogic.log file for the WebLogic Server.

The access.log for the WebLogic Server is written in common log format. The format of this file is:

  host RFC931 auth_user
  [day/month/year:hour:minute:second UTC_offset]
  virtual_domain "request" status byte_count duration
  "http_referer" "user_agent"
Either the DNS name or the IP number of the remote client
Any information returned by IDENTD for the remote client; the WebLogic Server does not support user identification
If remote client user sent a userid for authentication, the user name; otherwise "-"
day/month/year:hour:minute:second UTC_offset
Day, calendar month, year and time of day (24-hour format) with the hours difference between local time and GMT, enclose in square brackets
Name of the server that is acting as a HTTP host
First line of the HTTP request submitted by the remote client enclosed in double quotes
HTTP status code returned by the server, if available; otherwise "-"
Number of bytes listed as the content-length in the HTTP/1.0 header, not including the HTTP/1.0 header, if known; otherwise "-"
If available, the number of seconds required to process the request for the remote client, which does not include the time required for the client to finish receiving the request; otherwise "-"
The URL from which the remote client came, enclosed in double quotes
Description of the remote client's browser

Note that the access log will grow indefinitely, and must be maintained manually.

Property weblogic.httpd.http.keepAliveSecs

Sets the number of seconds that the WebLogic Server will maintain a keep-alive connection for a client over HTTP before timing out the request. Set a limit on the keep-alive wait period to adjust how long an idle client connection will be maintained by the server before cleanup.

Property weblogic.httpd.https.keepAliveSecs

Sets the number of seconds that the WebLogic Server will maintain a keep-alive connection for a client over HTTPS (an secure SSL connection) before timing out the request. Keep-alive increases performance for SSL connections; setting a limit on the keep-alive wait period may improve performance.

Property weblogic.httpd.initArgs

A registered servlet may have input arguments. Use this property to set the input arguments for registered servlets. For example, if you plan to use the WebLogic Server for port-80 HTTP access and want to proxy unfulfillable HTTP requests to another HTTP server running on another host, you would register the HttpProxyServlet and set its redirectURL argument to the URL of the alternate HTTP server.

For more information on how to retrieve initArgs, check the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic HTTP Servlets, on the WebLogic website.

Property weblogic.httpd.keepAlive.enable

Enables HTTP keep-alive. Set to true by default. You should set the properties weblogic.httpd.http.keepAliveSecs and/or weblogic.httpd.https.keepAliveSecs to the number of seconds that the keep-alive should be maintained before timing out.

Property weblogic.httpd.logFileBufferKBytes

Sets the size in K for the HTTP request log (by default, this log file is named "access.log" and is located in the "myserver/" directory). Maximum size is one megabyte. When the log file size is exceeded, a new log file is started and the old log file is versioned in the same directory. You should routinely clean up or archive old log files.

Property weblogic.httpd.logFileName

Establishes a name for the common log format log file, when logging to this file has been enabled with the property weblogic.httpd.enableLogFile. The property should be just the name of the file; the default is access.log, stored in the same directory as this WebLogic Server's other log files (for example, in the directory "myserver"). This file is always referenced from the per-server directory of the WebLogic Server.

Property weblogic.httpd.mimeType

Maps a MIME type to a file extension, as per RFC1521. WebLogic serves all MIME types that are configured, and will serve a file without an extension according to the weblogic.httpd.defaultMimeType property setting. A standard set of MIME types are configured in the properties file that is shipped with WebLogic. For more information, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.register

You must register HTTP servlets in the properties file. Registered servlets should be in the CLASSPATH of the WebLogic Server. A servlet is loaded first when it is requested, and will not be reloaded again until the Server is restarted. You can set up the Server to reload modified servlets with the properties weblogic.httpd.servlet.classpath and weblogic.httpd.servlet.reloadOnModify.

For more information about servlets, check the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic HTTP Servlets, at the WebLogic website. For more information about setting up the WebLogic Server for HTTP use, check the WebLogic Administrators Guide, Setting up WebLogic as a web server.

Property weblogic.httpd.servlet.classpath

Set this property to point to a directory that is not in the CLASSPATH of the WebLogic Server host, and then place servlets here. If your servlets are in a package, you will need to create the appropriate directory structure below this directory. The uppermost directory of the package name should be in the directory you register for this property.

This property and weblogic.httpd.servlet.reloadOnModify must be set to enable this feature. You can still register and use servlets in the WebLogic Server's CLASSPATH, but they will not be reloaded until the WebLogic Server is restarted. See Reloading servlets you modify for more information.

Property weblogic.httpd.servlet.reloadOnModify

Deprecated in 3.1. The frequency with which servlets may be reloaded from the servlet classpath is now set with the property weblogic.httpd.servlet.reloadCheckSecs.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.enableURLRewriting

Enables URL rewriting for session tracking. In cases where a client browser cannot handle cookies or the user does not allow the cookie to be set, the URL is rewritten to append session information in a series of name/value pairs. The default setting is true.

For more information on session management, see the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic HTTP Servlets.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.cacheEntries

Sets the number of sessions that are cached in memory on the WebLogic Server. The default is 1024, and the minimum is 16. Caching sessions can speed up response to requests, but each application should have the cache session tuned appropriately. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.cookie.comment

String comment contained in a cookie set in a browser session with the WebLogic Server. The default is "WebLogic WebLogic Session Tracking Cookie." For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.cookie.domain

Sets the domain to which the cookie will be returned. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.cookie.maxAgeSecs

Sets the time-to-live for the cookie, which translates to the lifetime of the session, in seconds. Setting the property to -1 (also the default) sets the cookie to last as long as the browser is running. Minimum is zero (hardly ever useful) and maximum is MAX_VALUE. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.


Sets the name of the cookie; default is "TengahSession." For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.cookie.path

Sets the cookie path, which you can use to limit the part of the website that is session-tracked. For example, if this property is set to "/only/this/directory" only URLS beneath that path will be tracked. Default is set to root ("/"), which means that all URLs sent to the WebLogic Server will be tracked. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.cookies.enable

Allows WebLogic to send cookies to the HTTP browser client to set and retrieve session information. Default is true. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.enable

Enables session tracking. Default is true. Once session tracking and cookies are enabled, write your servlets to use cookies to set and retrieve session-related information. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties. For more information on servlets, read the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic HTTP Servlets.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.invalidationIntervalSecs

Interval at which WebLogic will check the session store for sessions that have expired. Invalid and timed out sessions are removed from the session store. Default is 60; minimum is every second, and maximum is 1 week (604800). For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.persistence

Set this property to true to enable session persistence. If you turn on persistence, you must set other session-persistence-related properties, including persistentStoreType, and persistentStoreDir for file persistence or persistentStorePool and persistentStoreShared for JDBC-based persistence. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.persistentStoreDir

Used when persistentStoreType is set to "file." Sets the directory name to be used for storing session-related information. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.persistentStorePool

Use when persistentStoreType is set to "jdbc." Sets the name of the connection pool to be used for session JDBC-based persistence. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties. There's more on setting up connection pools for session persistence in the Developers Guide Using WebLogic HTTP Servlets.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.persistentStoreShared

Used when persistentStoreType is set to "jdbc." Set to true if the JDBC-based persistent store is to be shared among multiple WebLogic Servers. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.persistentStoreType

Set to "file" or "jdbc" to determine which type of persistent store should be used for storing session data. See the other persistence-related properties immediately preceding in this document. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.swapIntervalSecs

Determines how often WebLogic checks to see if too many sessions are in memory. The weblogic.httpd.session.cacheEntries property configures the size of the cache. When the number of sessions in memory exceeds the limit, sessions are cleared, starting with the oldest/expired/invalid sessions. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.httpd.session.timeoutSecs

Sets how long a session can sit inactive and unused before it is invalidated or expired. The size of the cache and the timeout of each session should be tuned to suit each particular application. For more information on session-related properties, see the Administrators Guide, Setting WebLogic properties.


Set this property to use the WebLogic File service with the WebLogic Server. Specifies an access point into the native file system on the WebLogic Server, using the full pathname on the host system. Set a volume using the syntax in this example, which maps the volume name "users" to the UNIX directory "/usr/local/tmp":
Using volume names sets certain directories (and their subdirectories) as usable by T3Clients, and effectively isolates these areas from the rest of the host file system.

For more information on setting properties for client read/write access, see Setting properties for client read/write access in the WebLogic Administrators Guide document, Setting WebLogic properties.

Property weblogic.jdbc.connectionPool

A connection pool is a set of DBMS connections that can be created by registering a name for the pool and setting its parameters. You set the name for the connection pool by adding it to the end of the property, as in "weblogic.jdbc.connectionPool.eng," which would register a connection pool called "eng." Once a connection pool is created and its parameters are set, a T3User can request a connection from the pool without having to supply any further information.

Parameters to be set include include:

  • url=URL of the JDBC driver in use
  • driver=class pathname of the JDBC driver in use
  • loginDelaySecs=interval between each connection's creation
  • initialCapacity=initial number of connections in the pool
  • capacityIncrement=how many connections to be added at a time (the "initialCapacity" increases in chunks the size of "capacityIncrement")
  • maxCapacity=max number of connections in the pool
  • allowShrinking=true to allow (default is false)
  • shrinkPoolMins=minutes to wait before shrinking pool (default 15)
  • props=login info for DBMS
  • Deprecated in 3.0. allow=T3Users that can access this connection pool. Use an access control list instead.
Here's an example of how this property might be set:

This illustrates a connection pool named "eng" and its access control list. The connection pool is for an Oracle database, with an initial pool of 4 connections that can be incrementally increased two at a time, up to a maximum of 10 connections. A login delay of 2 seconds is set; some databases cannot handle rapid requests for connections, and the login delay setting can be adjusted to prevent errors from a busy DBMS.

You can set an interval of time after which a pool that has incrementally grown in size will shrink back to its initialCapacity, if the added connections are not in use. The default for the shrinkPoolMins property is 15 minutes. To allow backwards compatibility, there is an enabling property, allowShrinking, which -- like the command to reset a connection pool -- can be executed from the command line with the weblogic.Admin program by a user with administrative-level privileges. The ACL permission for this action is "shrink."

The properties for access to the DBMS itself (as you might set with a java.utils.Properties object) are "username," "password," and "server."

An access control list has also been set for this connection pool, to allow the T3Users "guest," "joe," and "jill" the "reserve" permission for JDBC connections from the pool. Since any T3Client not created with an explicit T3User defaults to the default T3User "Guest," this connection pool will be accessible to any T3Client.

You should not have this property in your properties file unless you can make the explicitly described connection to the proper DBMS, since the connections are created when the WebLogic Server is started.

Property weblogic.jdbc.enableLogFile

Enables logging of all jdbcKona operations generated from DriverManager.setLogStream() into a single per-server file, located in the per-server directory (default per-server directory is "myserver/"). Default is false.

Property weblogic.jdbc.logFileName

Identifies the logfile name (no path info should be included) for jdbcKona logging from DriverManager.setLogStream(). This file is always in the per-server directory (default per-server directory is "myserver/"). If this file does not exist, it will be created.

Property weblogic.jndi.transportableObjectFactories

Supplies a list of factories (interfaces/classes) that create transportable objects. For more information on using this property read the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic JNDI.

Property weblogic.login.readTimeoutMillis

Sets the number of milliseconds that WebLogic will wait for a client login request to fail before closing the connection. For some client login operations, for example for a client logging in over a secure line with authentication/encryption enabled, the login process may require several seconds, and this property may need to be increased.

Property weblogic.password

This property assigns username and password for users that have access to the WebLogic Server. The syntax is weblogic.password.username=password, where the username and password are both case-sensitive, and the password must be at least the length defined by the property weblogic.system.minPasswordLen. For example,

sets up the username and password for HTTP Basic Authentication with the username "bob."

The username and password to allow access to registered servlets with the property weblogic.httpd.allow.virtualName=username, where each registered servlet has a comma-delimited list of users that can access the servlet. that can be used for finer control over access to registered servlets, with access control lists.

The password for the user "system" must be set before you start the WebLogic Server. See the next entry.

Property weblogic.password.system

This property is a special case of weblogic.password that assigns the password for the administrative, privileged user of the WebLogic Server. Some functionality in administering the WebLogic Server requires the username and password of a privileged user. See the WebLogic Administrators Guide document Managing the WebLogic Server for more information.

The username for this user is always system. The syntax is weblogic.password.system=password, where the password is case-sensitive and at least 8 letters long. The password for the user "system" must be set before you start the WebLogic Server.

Property weblogic.rmi.startupArgs

Deprecated in 3.0. Use weblogic.system.startupArgs.

Property weblogic.rmi.startupClass

Deprecated in 3.0. Use weblogic.system.startupClass.


Identifies the filename of the certificate of the certificate authority that issued the WebLogic Server's X509 certificate. This property is optional in version 2.5. Use multiple instances of this property as "" and "" to establish a certificate chain.

For more information, see the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic SSL. See also weblogic.system.SSLListenPort.


Identifies the filename of the WebLogic Server's SSL certificate issued by a certificate authority, which must be located in the per-server directory of the WebLogic Server (default directory is "myserver").

For more information, see the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic SSL. See also weblogic.system.SSLListenPort.


Limits the number of temporary tokens for applet authentication produced by the ClientAuthenticationServlet. This safeguards the WebLogic Server from having to store tokens indefinitely that are never claimed and used. Default is 3.

For more information, see the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic SSL. See also weblogic.system.SSLListenPort.


Setting this property to the filename of any certificate authority's valid certificate turns on two-way authentication. The certificate must be located in the per-server directory (default is "myserver").

For more information about two-way authentication and setting this property, see the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic SSL. See also weblogic.system.SSLListenPort.


Use this property to set up realm-based groups. Each username that you add to the group must have a username and password in the operating realm. For example in the WebLogic realm, you must first set up:

before you can add these users to the group "sales," as shown here:,margret


Identifies the filename of the private key of the WebLogic Server, which must be located in the per-server directory (default is "myserver").

For more information, see the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic SSL. See also weblogic.system.SSLListenPort.

Property weblogic.ssl.enable

If this property is set to true, WebLogic will listen to the port set with the the weblogic.system.SSLListenPort property for SSL login requests. Default is true.

Property weblogic.system.adminPassword

This property was deprecated in version 2.3.2. Use weblogic.password.system.

Property weblogic.system.bindAddr

Sets the destination IP address that the WebLogic Server will accept requests for.

Property weblogic.system.classpath

Deprecated in 2.4. WebLogic uses the CLASSPATH of the shell in which it is running. For servlet loading, see weblogic.httpd.servlet.classpath.

Property weblogic.system.clusterAddress

The multicast address of the cluster that this WebLogic Server will join at startup. Setting the multicast address overrides the value of the clusterName property.

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Property weblogic.system.clusterName

The name of the WebLogic Cluster that this WebLogic Server will join at startup. This property is ignored if clusterAddress is set.


Property weblogic.system.enableConsole

Turns on logging to the console. Everything that appears on the console is also written to the system logfile. Lines you add to your applications with System.out.println() appear on the console. To add log messages, use the log facility, which is detailed in the Developers Guide, Writing a T3Client application.

Property weblogic.system.enableReverseDNSLookups

When this property is set to true, WebLogic may attempt to complete reverse DNS lookups on some operations. If your network does not support DNS, you should disable this property.

Property weblogic.system.enableSetGID

UNIX only: Set to true to change the group ownership of the WebLogic Server process after it has bound to port 80 during the startup process. If you enable this feature, you should set the property weblogic.system.nonPrivGroup to a UNIX group identity that is non-privileged. See also weblogic.system.enableSetUID.

Property weblogic.system.enableSetUID

UNIX only: Set to true to change the ownership of the WebLogic Server process after it binds to port 80 during the startup process. The WebLogic Server must be started from a privileged user account in order to bind to port 80, but after that is completed, it is preferable for security purposes to set the user ID (UID) of the WebLogic Server process to a non-privileged user. Identify the user with weblogic.system.nonPrivUser.

Property weblogic.system.executeThreadCount

This property sets the maximum number of execute threads that can be running in the WebLogic Server. It indicates how many simultaneous operations can be executing in the WebLogic Server at the same time. This property defaults to 15. This property is not the same as the number of client connections; for example, one client may be using more than one execute thread at a time.

For more information, see the WebLogic Administrators Guide on Tuning the WebLogic Server.

Property weblogic.system.helpPageURL

Sets the base URL for these help files. The directory in which these help files are stored in the distribution is the "docs51/adminhelp/" directory in WebLogic's document root (default location is "myserver/public_html"), so that you can view these help files without interacting with an HTTP server that will serve HTML pages. If you prefer to read these files online, you can set this property to The latest versions of these files are always online at the WebLogic website.

Property weblogic.system.home

WebLogic home is the base directory for all WebLogic Server operations. Your properties file should always be located in this directory, as well as any per-server directories. You must have weblogic.system.home set to start the WebLogic Server.

Property weblogic.system.httpdQueueDepth

Sets the number of outstanding HTTPD requests that the WebLogic Server can queue while waiting for an available HTTPD thread. Use the property weblogic.system.httpdThreadCount to increase or decrease the number of HTTPD threads available.

Property weblogic.system.httpdThreadCount

Sets the number of HTTPD threads the WebLogic Server should spawn to service HTTPD requests. The default is 5, and the valid range is 1-256. Tuning the WebLogic Server for optimum HTTPD performance requires finding the right balance between the number of threads available to answer requests -- more threads can answer more requests -- and the overhead from spawning many threads unnecessarily, which also has overhead.

For more information, see the WebLogic Administrators Guide on Tuning the WebLogic Server.

Property weblogic.system.listenPort

The TCP port at which the WebLogic Server listens for incoming connection requests. Set this port to "80" to use the WebLogic Server as a HTTP server with transfirewall support. Choose a number between 7000-8000 if you are not running your WebLogic Server on port 80. Ports 1023 and below are reserved.

For more information on using the WebLogic Server as a webserver, see the WebLogic Administrators Guide, Setting up the WebLogic Server as an HTTP server.

Property weblogic.system.logFile

The full pathname of the WebLogic Server logfile. The logfile is located in the per-server directory (the default is the directory "myserver/" located in WebLogic home). If this logfile does not exist, it is created when the WebLogic Server is started.

Property weblogic.system.maxConnections

Deprecated in 3.1. Use weblogic.system.maxSockReadThreads.

Property weblogic.system.maxLogFileSize

This property sets the maximum size to which a logfile can grow before backup and reset (in K). When a new log file is started, the old log file is saved and the new file is versioned with the name plus an incremented integer. You should delete or archive older versions on a regular basis.

Property weblogic.system.percentSocketReaders

The weblogic.system.percentSocketReaders property can be set to the percentage (from 1-99) of execute threads that can act as socket reader threads. Allocating execute threads to act as socket reader threads increases the speed and availablity of the server to accept client requests.

For more information, see the WebLogic Administrators Guide on Tuning the WebLogic Server.

Property weblogic.system.minPasswordLen

Sets the minimum length of user access passwords. Passwords are case-sensitive. The minimum password length is 8 characters (also the default) and the maximum length is 16 characters.


The name of the WebLogic Server. The default server name is "myserver," which is also the name of the default directory (in weblogic.home) in which you will find your logfile, WebLogic JDBC log file, and common log format log file. You can change the name of the server by setting this property and creating a directory of the same name in Weblogic home. For more information about setting up multiple WebLogic Servers, check Setting WebLogic properties on the WebLogic website.

Property weblogic.system.nonPrivGroup

UNIX only: Non-privileged group that should own the process in which the WebLogic Server is running after binding to port 80 for HTTP. Enable this feature with weblogic.system.enableSetGID. See also weblogic.system.nonPrivUser.

Property weblogic.system.nonPrivUser

UNIX only: Use this property to identify the non-privileged UNIX user for switching the UID after starting the WebLogic Server on port 80. The non-privileged user must have adequate permissions for the files the WebLogic Server will need for operation (like log files and the WebLogic classes). This identifies the user for use with the property weblogic.system.enableSetUID.

Property weblogic.system.perServerPropertiesFile

Location of the per-server properties file, if it exists. The default full pathname -- which is the file that the WebLogic Server looks for to see if a per-server file exists -- is displayed in the far right column (the default properties column). Properties that are set out of this file are reflected by values in the 4th column. The order in which properties are looked for when the WebLogic Server starts begins with the default properties inside the WebLogic Server; then properties in the global properties file is examined, followed by the per-server properties file for this WebLogic Server, and then by properties set on the command line.

Property weblogic.system.propertiesFile

The global properties file. The order in which properties are read in begins with the default properties that are set in the server; then the global properties file is read, followed by the per-server properties file, and finally by the properties that you set on the command line when you start the WebLogic Server. Note that properties set in the global properties file will be overridden by properties in the per-server properties file, which in turn are overridden by properties set on the command line.

Property weblogic.system.shutdownArgs

Set this property to name-value pairs for your shutdownClass. Shutdown args are passed to your shutdownClass as a Hashtable.

Property weblogic.system.shutdownClass

Use this property to register a virtual name for one or more shutdown classes. Shutdown classes are automatically loaded and executed. The virtual name is passed to the shutdown() method in the class you write (implements weblogic.common.T3ShutdownDef) as one of the arguments, and the name-value pairs created in the shutdownArgs property are passed as a Hashtable. Note that the shutdown class must be located in the CLASSPATH of the WebLogic Server host.

For more info on writing a shutdown class, check the section on shutdown classes in the Developers Guide, Writing a T3Client application.

Property weblogic.system.SSLListenPort

Sets the TCP port at which WebLogic Server listens for SSL connection requests. The default is zero, which disables SSL in the WebLogic Server.

For more information, see the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic SSL.

Property weblogic.system.startupArgs

Set this property to name-value pairs for your startup class. Startup args are passed to your startup class as a Hashtable.

Property weblogic.system.startupClass

Use this property to register a virtual name for one or more startup classes. Startup classes are automatically loaded and executed. The virtual name is passed to the startup() method in the class you write (implements weblogic.common.T3StartupDef) as one of the arguments, and the name-value pairs created in the startupArgs property are passed as a Hashtable. Note that the startup class must be located in the CLASSPATH of the WebLogic Server host.

You can register more than one startup class, either in separate registrations, as in this example:

These startup classes will be started in arbitrary order. If you need to insure the ordering of execution, you can register your startup classes in a comma-delimited list on the same line. In this case, you are guaranteed that the classes will be started in order from left to right. Here's an example:

For more info on writing a startup class, check the section on startup classes in the Developers Guide, Writing a T3Client application.

Property weblogic.system.startupFailureIsFatal

If set to true for a particular startup class (including RMI and EJB objects), the failure of that startup class will cause the WebLogic Server to fail. This is useful for debugging and for making sure that critical startup services are guaranteed to be running if the WebLogic Server is. Here's an example:

See also how to register a startup class.

Property weblogic.workspace.showUserKeysOnly

If set to true, the Console will show only items in a client Workspace that have been inserted by the user. The default is false; that means that all items, both system and user including RMI objects, client connection objects, etc., are shown in the Console.

Property weblogic.zac.enable

Enables publishing for clients and administrators with WebLogic ZAC from this WebLogic Server. Set the "write" permission with an ACL to control who can publish ZAC applications to the server (defaults to system); for clients, set the "read" permission (defaults to everyone). If this property is set to false, no one can publish or use ZAC packages from this WebLogic Server.

Property weblogic.zac.publishRoot

Sets the directory location where ZAC packages should be stored on WebLogic for serving to clients. The default is the "myserver/zac" directory.


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Last updated 03/07/2000