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Using WebLogic File Services

I. Introduction
Overview of WebLogic File Services

II. The WebLogic File API
WebLogic File API reference
WebLogic File objects and their classes
Setting up the WebLogic Server to read and write files
Manufacturing T3File-related objects
T3FileSystems and T3Files
The T3FileInputStream class
The T3FileOutputStream class

III. Implementing with WebLogic File
Import packages
Obtain a remote T3Services interface
Create a T3FileSystem and a T3File
Create and use an OutputStream object
Create and use an InputStream object
Full code example

IV. Change history

Other related documents
Installing WebLogic (non-Windows)
Installing WebLogic (Windows)
Writing a WebLogic client application
Developers Guides
API Reference Manual


Overview of WebLogic File Services

WebLogic File provides high-speed client-side access to native operating system files on the server. The client API extends the lowest-common-denominator capabilities of Java ( and, which allows it to be used seamlessly in existing code, with additional services that are specific to manipulating remote files.

As a service, WebLogic File also has access to all of the other WebLogic facilities, like logging, instrumentation, and workspaces. All WebLogic component-based services, including File services, are integrated into the WebLogic framework and can share access and resources. Their APIs share many common aspects that make building a complex networked application easier. Your application may use a variety of these services, all of which can share access to objects and client resources.

With WebLogic File, as with other WebLogic services, the client uses factory methods to generate T3FileInputStream and T3FileOutputStream objects. These classes extend the standard Java InputStream and OutputStream classes, allowing them to be plugged into existing client code. They also provide additional methods that are specific to remote file streams.

WebLogic File enhances read and write performance over a network by transmitting data in buffers whose size is independent of the size of the requests, and by using readAhead and writeBehind buffering. The implementation increases the rate of data transfer in several ways.

  • Data is transmitted in buffers whose size is independent of the size of application requests. An application can make many small requests without adversely affecting performance.

  • The client does read ahead; that is, it automatically requests buffers ahead of the application. While an application is processing a buffer of data, the next buffer is being simultaneously retrieved.

  • The client does write behind; that is, it allows the application to write buffers beyond what has been flushed to the disk on the server. While an application is preparing a buffer of data, the previous buffers are being simultaneously written to the disk. A flush operation blocks on the client until an acknowledgment has been received that all outstanding buffers have been flushed.

An application may specify the transfer buffer size, the number of buffers of read ahead, and the number of buffers of write behind, or it may rely on default values. The default buffer size is 100K, and the default number of buffers for both read ahead and write behind is 1.

The defaults set by WebLogic File are usually the best choice for maximum speed. If you decide not to use the defaults, here are some hints for choosing other values.

  • Setting the buffer size. In general, the larger the transfer buffer size, the greater the raw speed of the transfer. The difference can be significant; using a 1K buffer might be almost an order of magnitude slower than a 100K buffer. However, larger buffers require more memory on the client side, so you need to determine the most effective settings for your configuration.

  • Setting readAhead and writeBehind buffers. The best value for readAhead and writeBehind depends on the rate at which your application processes buffers relative to the transfer speed. With a consistently slower application, a single buffer of readAhead and writeBehind will provide the maximum benefit. A consistently faster application will not benefit at all from increasing readAhead and writeBehind. Thus, the default value of 1 works well in most cases. However, if your application varies the rate at which it processes buffers, you may want to increase readAhead and writeBehind so that the application can always work at its maximum speed.

This document covers information specific to using the WebLogic File API. You should also read the Developers Guide that covers all the services and facilities within WebLogic, Writing a WebLogic client application. If this is your first experience working with InputStream and OutputStream in Java, you may also want to read the information available in the Java tutorial at Sun.


WebLogic File API reference

Class java.lang.Object
   Class java.lang.Throwable
      Class java.lang.Exception
         Class weblogic.common.T3Exception


WebLogic File objects and their classes

The interfaces T3File and T3FileSystem define T3Files and T3FileSystems. T3Files, which may represent local (usually client-side) or remote (usually server-side) files, are produced by T3FileSystems, which may also represent local or remote files. T3Files and T3FileSystems make it easy to write code that treats local and remote files uniformly. Objects from these interfaces, like all service-related objects in the WebLogic framework, are allocated by requests to an object factory. This gives the developer a fine level of control over resources.

Two classes from the package -- T3FileInputStream and T3FileOutputStream -- provide server-side read and write access to files.

With its class variable "services," a WebLogic client accesses the WebLogic Server's services through methods in the weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef. WebLogic Files and WebLogic File Systems are accessed through the method,, which returns a object.

The IOServicesDef interface has methods for requesting a T3FileSystem from the IOServices object factory. From a client, you supply the name of the fileSystem as an argument to IOServicesDef.getFileSystem() and are returned a T3FileSystem object. From a server-side object, call IOServicesDef.getFileSystem() with an empty string or null. This will return a pointer to the file system relative to the working directory of the server.

The T3FileSystem interface has methods for requesting a T3File from the IOServicesDef object factory, and the T3File interface has methods for requesting a T3FileInput/OutputStream for reading or writing to the file.

The following code shows how a client obtains a T3FileSystem remote interface, a T3File, and an OutputStream for writing to the file:

  T3ServicesDef t3services;
  Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
  env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001");
  Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
  t3services = (T3ServicesDef) ctx.lookup("weblogic.common.T3Services");
  T3FileSystem myFS ="usr");
  T3File myFile = myFS.getFile("myDirectory/myFilename");
  T3FileOutputStream t3os = myFile.getFileOutputStream();
You will need to wrap the code in a try / catch block to handle possible exceptions. This is not shown here for simplicity.

The recommended method of getting a T3FileInputStream or T3FileOutputStream for a T3File is to invoke T3File.getFileInputStream() or T3File.getFileOutputStream() directly on a T3File object.

T3FileInputStream and T3FileOutputStream objects both extend standard* classes.

Setting up the WebLogic Server to read and write files

Before you can use WebLogic File services, you must first establish one or more path prefixes -- a fileSystem -- for use by clients by setting a property in the file. For example, to map the file system name "users" to the path on the server host "/usr/local/tmp" add the following line to your file:

When you request a T3FileSystem from the IOServicesDef factory -- eventually to be used to creating a T3File and reading/writing to it with an input or output stream -- you use the registered fileSystem name as an argument for the getFileSystem() method. The T3FileSystem object that is returned is mapped to the fileSystem registered in the properties file.

For security reasons, a WebLogic client cannot access files higher in the directory than the lowest directory registered as part of a file system name. Filenames cannot contain ".." or an Exception will be thrown. For example, an attempt to read or write "/users/../filename" will throw an Exception.

Note: When you are setting properties in the properties file on a Windows NT system, you cannot use single backslashes (\) because they will be interpreted as escape characters. Using single backslashes when setting a property result in an error message similar to this: Remote file name <filename> malformed
You can either use double backslashes, as in this example:\\remote\\temp
or use forward slashes instead, which will be properly mapped to a Window-style syntax by the parser:

Manufacturing T3File-related objects

In these examples, we show how to obtain request the input and output streams necessary to read and write to a remote T3File. We obtain the remote T3File object from a T3FileSystem interface. Here, "users" is the name of a fileSystem that is registered in the file. It maps to the absolute path /usr/local/users on the WebLogic Server host.

  T3ServicesDef t3services = getT3Services("t3://localhost:7001");
  // Get a T3FileSystem object from the IOServicesDef factory
  // Give a registered fileSystem as an arg
  T3FileSystem myFS ="users");
  // Get a T3File from the T3FileSystem
  T3File myFile = myFS.getFile("ben/notes");
  // Get an OutputStream to write to the file
  T3FileOutputStream t3os = myFile.getFileOutputStream();
  // Write a byte "b" to the OutputStream
This code creates and writes a byte to a file that maps to the Server host path "/usr/local/users/ben/notes".

The method getT3Services() is listed under the section Accessing WebLogic services via JNDI in the Developers Guide, "Writing a WebLogic client application". You can add this method to your client.

This brief example illustrates the most common usage. There are other way to request particular T3File-related objects from the IOServicesDef factory, through a set of "convenience" methods that allow you to directly request a T3FileInputStream or T3FileOutputStream without first creating a T3FileSystem or T3File object.

Here are examples of using the "convenience" methods provided by the IOServicesDef factory.

You can request a T3FileInputStream or T3FileOutputStream object directly from the IOServicesDef factory by calling the getFileInput/OutputStream() method, with a pathname argument that follows this pattern:

where the registeredFileSystem is a mount-point registered in the file as the property "; and the fileName is the name of the destination file.

When you request a T3FileInputStream or T3FileOutputStream object directly, without getting one from methods called on a T3FileSystem, you must include the leading slash in the fileSystem name or the server will generate this type of error: Remote file name <filename> is relative

Here is an example. This T3FileInputStream object uses the defaults for buffer size and readAhead.

If you choose not to use the default settings for buffer size and readAhead/writeBehind, you can set these values by using different factory methods that allow you to specify these values. In this example, an InputStream object is created with a buffer size of 1024 bytes and 3 readAhead buffers:

  int bufferSize = 1024;
  int readAhead = 3;

  T3ServicesDef t3services = getT3Services("t3://localhost:7001");
  InputStream is ="/users/myfile", 

In this example, the OutputStream object is created with a buffer of 1024 bytes and 2 writeBehind buffers. The method getT3Services() is listed under the section Accessing WebLogic services via JNDI in the Developers Guide, "Writing a WebLogic client application".

  int bufferSize = 1024;
  int writeBehind = 2;

  T3ServicesDef t3services = getT3Services("t3://localhost:7001");
  Outputstream os ="/users/myfile", 

Error handling. When an error occurs, the factory methods throw the exception weblogic.common.T3Exception, which contains the cause of the problem as a nested exception.

T3FileSystems and T3Files
A T3FileSystem is made up of T3Files. You create and manage a T3File by manufacturing a T3FileInput/OutputStream that is used to read and write the file. A T3FileSystem may represent the local file system on a client, or a remote file system on a WebLogic Server. This makes it easy to write code that treats both local and remote file systems uniformly.

You request a T3FileSystem from the IOServicesDef factory with the getFileSystem() method. From a client, you supply the name of the fileSystem as an argument to IOServicesDef.getFileSystem() and are returned a T3FileSystem object. From a server-side object, call IOServicesDef.getFileSystem() with an empty string or null. This will return a pointer to the file system relative to the working directory of the server. The T3FileSystem interface also has other methods that return the file-system-dependent file separator string, and the file-system-dependent path separator string. This interface also contains more "convenience" methods that allow direct access to file Input/OutputStreams without creating an intermediary T3File object.

You request a T3File by calling one of the T3FileSystem.getFile() methods. Like a T3FileSystem, a T3File can represent either local or remote files. In addition to methods for getting Input/OutputStreams to read and write to the file, this interface also has accessory methods to get the file name and path associated with the T3File object, to get its parent directory, to check if the file exists and is a "normal" T3file, to test if you can read and write to the file, to get its length and last modified date, to rename it, to make a directory, and other file-related tasks.

The T3FileInputStream class

You customarily create a T3FileInputStream by calling the T3File.getFileInputStream() method, which returns an object of the class T3FileInputStream. This class extends the standard class and provides two additional methods:

   public int bufferSize();

which returns the current buffer size and

   public int readAhead();

which returns the current number of buffers of read ahead.

The implementation of two other methods in T3FileInputStream that override methods in are of interest:

  • The method available() returns the number of bytes of unread data that have been buffered on the client. It is never greater than the buffer size times one plus the number of buffers of read ahead.
  • The method skip() starts out by discarding data that has been requested through read ahead and eventually issues a request to the server to skip any remaining data.

Currently, T3FileInputStream does not support the methods and

The T3FileOutputStream class

You customarily create a T3FileOutputStream by calling the T3File.getFileOutputStream() method, which returns an object of class T3FileOutputStream. This class extends the standard class and provides two additional methods:

   public int bufferSize();

which returns the current buffer size and

   public int writeBehind();
which returns the current number of buffers of write behind. The implementation of two other methods in T3FileOutputStream that override methods in are of interest:
  • The method flush() blocks on the client until an acknowledgment has been received that all outstanding buffers have been flushed to the server.
  • The method close() method does an automatic flush().

If an error occurs on the server while a file is being written, the client is asynchronously notified and all subsequent operations -- write(), flush(), or close() -- will generate a


Implementing with WebLogic File Services

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to request and use T3File-related objects in your application.

Step 1. Import packages
Step 2. Obtain a remote T3Services
Step 3. Create a T3FileSystem and a T3File
Step 4. Create and use an OutputStream object
Step 5. Create and use an InputStream object

Full code example

Step 1. Import packages

In addition to other packages you import for your program, WebLogic File applications import the following:

import weblogic.common.*;

Top of the section

Step 2. Obtain a remote T3Services interface

From a WebLogic client application, you access the T3File services via the T3ServicesDef remote factory interface that lives on the WebLogic Server. Your client obtains a remote stub to the T3Services object via a JNDI look-up. We define and list a method called getT3Services() that you can add to you client to access the T3Services stub. It is listed under the section Accessing WebLogic services via JNDI in the Developers Guide, "Writing a WebLogic client application".

You can simply call the method giving the URL of the WebLogic Server as an argument like so:

 T3ServicesDef t3services = getT3Services("t3://weblogicurl:7001")

Top of the section

Step 3. Create a T3FileSystem and a T3File

In general, the way to begin working with reading and writing files is to get a T3FileSystem object, and from it to request a T3File from or to which you will read or write.

Use the T3ServicesDef remote interface to access the IOServices factory. Call the IOServices factory method getFileSystem() to get a T3FileSystem object. Supply the name of a file system that is registered on the WebLogic Server as an argument. You register a file system in the file with the property:
For this example, we assume the following file system property is set up:

T3Files created in the T3FileSystem mapped to "myFS" will be physically located in the directory "/usr/local" on the WebLogic Server's host. Here is the code to get the T3FileSystem and a T3File named "test":

  T3FileSystem t3fs ="myFS");
    T3File myFile = t3fs.getFile("test");
We can also check to see if the file exists before we read from or write to it, as shown here:
  if (myFile.exists()) {
    System.out.println("The file already exists");
  else {
    // Create a file with an array of bytes. We'll write it
    // to an output stream in the next step
    byte b[] = new byte[11];
    b[0]='H'; b[1]='e'; b[2]='l'; b[3]='l'; b[4]='o'; b[5]=' '; 
    b[6]='W'; b[7]='o'; b[8]='r'; b[9]='l'; b[10]='d';

Top of the section

Step 4. Create and use an OutputStream object

We have assembled an array of bytes that we'd like to write to a T3File on the WebLogic Server. You customarily create a T3File, and then request an OutputStream to write to it, using the T3File.getOutputStream() method.

Using the T3File "myFile" that we created in the previous step, this example illustrates this process:

  Outputstream os =

Always close the OutputStream object when work with it is completed.

Top of the section

Step 5. Create and use an InputStream object

Now we have got a T3File that we'd like to read from and confirm its contents. You request and use an InputStream object with the same patterns you use for an OutputStream object.

Here we request an InputStream object with which we can read from the T3File "myFile." This opens an InputStream to the T3File. In this example, we're reading bytes; first, we allocate an array of bytes to read into (from which we will later create a String that we can display); then we use the standard methods of the class to read from the T3File, as shown here:

  byte b[] = new byte[11];
  InputStream is = myFile.getFileInputStream();;

Now let's create a String for display to confirm the results:

  String result = new String(b);
  System.out.println("Read from file " + T3File.getName()
                     " on the WebLogic Server:");

Always close the InputStream object when work with it is completed.

Top of the section

Full code example

The full code example is a runnable example that we ship in the examples/io directory in the distribution. You can compile and run the example using the instructions located in the same directory. The example uses a main() method so that you can run the example from the command line.
public class HelloWorld {

  public static void main(String[] argv) {

    // Strings for the WebLogic Server URL, the T3FileSystem
    // name, and the T3File name
    String url;
    String fileSystemName;
    String fileName;

    // Check the user's input, and then use it if correct
    if (argv.length == 2) {
      url = argv[0];
      // Use the local file system on the client
      fileSystemName = "";
      fileName = argv[1];
    else if (argv.length == 3) {
      url = argv[0];
      fileSystemName = argv[1];
      fileName = argv[2];
    else {
      System.out.println("Usage:   java " +
                         "WebLogicURL fileSystemName fileName");
      System.out.println("Example: java " +
                         "t3://localhost:7001 users test");

    // Obtain remote T3Services factory from WebLogic Server
    try {
      T3Services t3services = getT3Services(url);

      // Get the file system and the file
      System.out.println("Getting the file system " + fileSystemName);
      T3FileSystem fileSystem =;
      System.out.println("Getting the file " + fileName);
      T3File file = fileSystem.getFile(fileName); 

      if (file.exists()) {
	// The file exists. Don't do anything
	System.out.println("The file already exists");
      else {
	// The file does not exist. Create it.
	byte b[] = new byte[11];
	b[0]='H'; b[1]='e'; b[2]='l'; b[3]='l'; b[4]='o'; b[5]=' '; 
	b[6]='W'; b[7]='o'; b[8]='r'; b[9]='l'; b[10]='d';

	// Get an OutputStream and write to the file
	System.out.println("Writing to the file");
	OutputStream os = file.getFileOutputStream();      

      // Get an InputStream and read from the file
      byte b[] = new byte[11];
      System.out.println("Reading from the file");
      InputStream is = file.getFileInputStream();;

      // Report the result
      String result = new String(b);
      System.out.println("File contents is: " + result);
    catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("The following exception occurred " +
                         "while running the HelloWorld example.");
      if (!fileSystemName.equals("")) {
	System.out.println("Make sure the WebLogic server at " +
	                   url + " was started with " +
	                   "the property" +
	                   fileSystemName + " set.");

  private static T3ServicesDef getT3Services(String wlUrl) 
       throws javax.naming.NamingException
    T3ServicesDef t3s;
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, wlUrl);
    Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
    t3s = (T3ServicesDef) ctx.lookup("weblogic.common.T3Services");

Top of the section

Change history

Release 3.0

Added support for T3FileSystem and T3File, with methods for creating and managing files uniformly, whether located on the client or a remote VM.

Release 2.5 -- (8/23/97)

First release; included support for T3FileInputStream and T3FileOutputStream.


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Last updated 01/13/1999