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Using VisualCafé Enterprise Suite with WebLogic Server

Before you begin
Installing the VisualCafeé project files
The VisualCafé workspace
Running the WebLogic Server
Using the EJB tools

Before you begin

VisualCafé Enterprise Suite is an integrated, visual environment that supports the complete cycle of Java program development. VisualCafé Enterprise Suite builds on Symantec Java development technology and delivers a complete Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the heterogeneous enterprise. This document describes how to use the VisualCafé Enterprise Suite and WebLogic Server to build and deploy your Enterprise Java Beans.

If you have not yet done so, please download the VisualCafé Enterprise Suite examples. These items are included in the project files for VisualCafé:

  • Project files for most of the key examples shipped with WebLogic Server; they cover areas such as EJB, JMS, JNDI, servlets, applets, and WebLogic events
  • Documentation on how to use the examples with VisualCafé
  • WebLogic EJB 1.0 Deployment Descriptor files in XML format

Installing the Project Files for VisualCafé

  1. Download the project files for VisualCafé.

  2. Unzip the project files for VisualCafé archive into the WebLogic home directory:
    If WebLogic is installed in some other location, adjust the path accordingly. Make sure your zip program is set to extract files into sub-folders.

  3. After extracting the files from the archive you may begin using the project files by following the instructions in the documentation file:
    If WebLogic is installed in some other location, adjust the path accordingly.

  4. For general information on setting up your development environment for running WebLogic Server and these examples, see the TechStart Guide Setting your development environment.

The VisualCafe Enterprise Suite workspace

A workspace in VisualCafé Enterprise Suite is a saved arrangement of windows. Because the tools in VisualCafé Enterprise Suite are displayed in many individual windows, workspaces are used to group together the windows that have related functions. Workspaces provide a way of organizing the multiple windows of the development environment into logical groups. You create workspaces for different tasks, such as editing or debugging. For example, when you edit source code you could use a workspace that displays the text editor, the Messages window, and the Project window. When you are debugging your program, you could use another workspace that displays windows for the debugging tools.

Running the WebLogic Server

When the server project is selected in VisualCafé, the Project menu contains items that are specific to Enterprise Bean for WebLogic projects:
  • Configure Bean Descriptor
  • Deliver EJB to Server
  • Start WebLogic Server
  • Shut Down WebLogic Server

You can use the default configuration values that the wizard provided for the enterprise bean, or use the Configure Bean Descriptor item to customize the values. These go into a deployment descriptor file, which is serialized.

Whenever you execute Project-->Execute for an Enterprise Bean for WebLogic server project, the following sequence of operations occurs enabling you to execute the client:

  1. Moves the needed files from the project to the server (specified in the Project Options page), adjusting the WebLogic application server’s properties file to recognize the new enterprise bean.
  2. Starts the WebLogic server.
    Note: If you install WebLogic Server using Installshield, do not make WebLogic an NT service in your development environment. Visual Cafe will be unable to connect to the server if it has already been started in this manner.
  3. Executes the client to activate the enterprise bean.


One of the most powerful tools in the VisualCafé environment is the integrated debugger. The debugger lets you watch your program execute line-by-line. Using the debugger, you can monitor:
  • the values stored in variables
  • which methods are being called
  • the order that program events occur

Note: Your program must successfully compile into a class file before the debugger can open it.

When you run the debugger by choosing Project Run in Debugger, VisualCafé switches to debug mode. With run-time editing, when you find run-time errors you can modify the source files to correct the behavior of your program.

While debugging your program, you can use the Source window, Class Browser, Breakpoints window, Variables window, Calls window, Threads window, and Messages window to help you isolate problems and resolve them. The Source window, Class Browser, Messages window, and Breakpoints window are available at all times; the other windows show information while you are debugging.

When you execute Project-->Run in Debugger for an Enterprise Bean for WebLogic server project, the following sequence of operations occurs, enabling you to debug both the enterprise bean and the client:

  1. VisualCafé checks to make sure that all the builds are up to date. If they are not, it performs a build.
  2. The configuration system ensures that the proper deployment descriptor file is available, generating it if necessary.
  3. VisualCafé generates any necessary application-server-specific files (container files) through the use of WebLogic tools.
  4. VisualCafé delivers the necessary files to the WebLogic application server, updating the WebLogic properties file.

When the client is started automatically by starting the server, selecting Debug-->Restart causes the following sequence of operations:

  1. Debugging is stopped.
  2. Regardless of which co-project was the active project, the server becomes the active project.
  3. The server is restarted from the beginning.
  4. The client is automatically started from the beginning.

Using the EJB tools

When you use VisualCafé Enterprise Suite to create an Enterprise JavaBean, these are the steps you take:
  1. Create the project for the enterprise bean.
  2. Use the Enterprise Bean for WebLogic Wizard to create the set of classes that facilitate the use of the enterprise bean.
    The wizard produces two projects: one for the server and one for a simple client. The client project is an ordinary project and contains simple code to create and test the enterprise bean. The server project contains the enterprise bean and all its associated files, with comments in them to show where you must add your own code for such things as business methods. Add the necessary code to the generated Java files.
  3. Build the project. If any errors are reported, change the code and rebuild until no errors are reported. Whenever a build is triggered, VisualCafé invokes the WebLogic tools to generate and build additional necessary files for the execution of the enterprise bean in the WebLogic application server.


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Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 01/18/2000