BEA WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity 5.1

This service pack contains the files that are required to run BEA WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity (WLEC) 5.1. These files are under wlec directory. The wlec directory has the following files: The WLEC documentation is included in the BEA WebLogic Server (WLS) online documentation.

Installing WLEC 5.1 from the Service Pack

To install WLEC:
  1. Read this document.
  2. Make sure that WebLogic Server 5.1.0 is installed.
  3. Unzip the contents of the wlec directory from the service pack into a temporary directory, such as /tmp.
  4. Copy wleorb.jar and wlepool.jar from /tmp to a location where it can be referenced by your WebLogic Server installation:
    1. Move poolorb.jar to a safe (backup) location.
    2. Copy wleorb.jar and wlepool.jar from the service pack to an appropriate location. If you installed WebLogic Server in its default location of /weblogic, then an appropriate place to copy the .jar file would be to the directory /weblogic/lib.

    3. For example, if you installed WebLogic in /weblogic, the commands for performing this step are:
      $ cd /weblogic/lib
      $ mv poolorb.jar
      $ cp /tmp/wlec/wlepool.jar .
      $ cp /tmp/wlec/wleorb.jar .
  5. Extract wlec_classes.jar to weblogic\classes:
    1. Move the original com directory to a safe (backup) location.
    2. Extract wlec_classes.jar from the service pack to replace the backed-up com directory.

    3. For example, if you installed WebLogic in /weblogic, the commands for performing this step are:
      $ cd /weblogic/classes
      $ mv com
      $ jar xvf /tmp/wlec/wlec_classes.jar
  6. Extract wlec_examples.jar to weblogic\examples:
    1. Move the original wlec directory to a safe (backup) location.
    2. Extract wlec_examples.jar from the service pack to replace the backed-up wlec directory.

    3. For example, if you installed WebLogic in /weblogic, the commands for performing this step are:
      $ cd /weblogic/examples
      $ mv wlec
      $ jar xvf /tmp/wlec/wlec_examples.jar
  7. Copy to the weblogic directory and modify it:
    1. Move the original file to a safe (backup) location.
    2. Copy from the service pack to replace the backed-up file.

    3. For example, if you installed WebLogic in /weblogic, the commands for performing parts a and b of this step are:
      $ cd /weblogic
      $ mv
      $ cp /tmp/wlec/
    4. In, replace @WEBLOGIC_HOME with the directory where weblogic is installed. For example, if weblogic is installed at /weblogic, replace @WEBLOGIC_HOME with /weblogic.
    5. In,

Removing WLEC 5.1

To remove the WLEC:
  1. Shut down WebLogic Server.
  2. Remove wleorb.jar and wlepool.jar from the /weblogic/lib directory and restore the original poolorb.jar file.
  3. Remove the com directory from /weblogic/classes directory and restore the original com directory.
  4. Remove the wlec directory from /weblogic/examples directory and restore the original wlec directory.
  5. Remove from the weblogic directory and restore the original file.
  6. You can then start WebLogic Server without the WLEC 5.1component.

How to Get Help

If you experience any problems with this product, see the BEA Customer Support page for information about contacting BEA Customer Support.