package examples.cluster.utils; import java.util.*; import java.text.NumberFormat; /** * Utility class to keep track of clustered actions. * Uniquely associating the action with a cluster member. *

* It expects messages in the format [message :]. * Example: addClusterMessage("Hello : cluster1"); *

* It keeps track of the unique system names and * tabulates the results. */ public class ClusterUtils { /* Hash of unique cluster members */ private Hashtable clusterMembers; /* Keep track of number of exceptions */ private int numExceptions = 0; /* Vector of results */ private Vector results = new Vector(); /** * Token used to split the message from addClusterMessage(String message) * into a message and the */ private String token = ":"; /** * Constructor */ public ClusterUtils(){ clusterMembers = new Hashtable(); } /** * Constructor * @param iterations int Number of iterations * @deprecated Use ClusterUtils() instead * as size is now dynamically allocated. */ public ClusterUtils(int iterations){ clusterMembers = new Hashtable(); } /** * Default expectation for format [message :]. * Example: addClusterMessage("Hello : cluster1"); * @param message String Message */ public void addClusterMessage(String message){ results.addElement(message); } /** * Allow someone to overide the default token used ":". * @param token String New token for dividing message */ public void setToken(String token){ this.token = token; } public int getIterations(){ return results.size(); } public int getExceptionCount(){ return numExceptions; } public void incrementExceptionCount(){ numExceptions++; } /** * Prepares report of results from statistics. */ public String processStatistics(){ int invocations = 0; for(int i=0; i < results.size(); i++){ if (results.elementAt(i) != null) { invocations++; StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer((String)results.elementAt(i), token); tokens.nextToken(); String clusterName = tokens.nextToken(); clusterName = clusterName.trim(); Cluster cluster = null; if(!knownCluster(clusterName)){ cluster = new Cluster(clusterName); }else{ cluster = (Cluster)clusterMembers.get(clusterName); } cluster.increment(); clusterMembers.put(clusterName, cluster); } } StringBuffer stats = new StringBuffer(""); if (clusterMembers.isEmpty() | invocations == 0) { stats.append("No statistics are available.\n"); } else { Enumeration enum = clusterMembers.keys(); while(enum.hasMoreElements()){ String key = (String)enum.nextElement(); Cluster cluster = (Cluster)clusterMembers.get(key); stats.append("\"" + key + "\" processed " + cluster.getIncInt() + " (" + getPercent(cluster.getIncInt(),invocations) + ") of " + invocations + " invocations\n"); } } return stats.toString(); } private boolean knownCluster(String clusterName){ if(clusterMembers.containsKey(clusterName)) return true; return false; } private String getPercent (int top, int bottom){ NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); return nf.format(new Float( (float)top / (float)bottom) ); } /** * Inner class to keep track of unique cluster members. */ class Cluster{ String name = null; int messages = 0; Cluster(String clusterName){ name = clusterName; } public void increment(){ messages++; } public String getName(){ return name; } public int getIncInt(){ return messages; } } }