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Class examples.ejb.basic.containerManaged.Client


public class Client
extends java.lang.Object
This class demonstrates calling an entity EJBean, followed by two exercises:

Part A: Create an Account and Deposit some money into it. Next attempt to withdraw more than the current account balance. An application-specific exception should be thrown. Finally, remove the account.

Part B: Create some new accounts, with different initial balances. Find all the accounts with a balance greater than a specific value. Find the account with a balance of zero. Attempt to find accounts with a null balance. Finally, remove all newly created accounts.

This class also illustrates how to lookup an EJB home in the JNDI tree.

Constructor Index

 o Client(String, String, String, String)

Method Index

 o main(String[])
Runs this example from the command line.
 o runExamplePartA()
Executes Part A of this example.
 o runExamplePartB()
Executes Part B of this example.

Constructor Detail

 o Client
public Client(java.lang.String url,
              java.lang.String user,
              java.lang.String password,
              java.lang.String accountId) throws javax.naming.NamingException

Method Detail

 o main
public static void main(java.lang.String args[])
          Runs this example from the command line. Example:

java examples.ejb.basic.containerManaged.Client "t3://localhost:7001" scott tiger 10020

The parameters are optional, but if any are supplied, they are interpreted in this order:

url - URL such as "t3://localhost:7001" of Server
user - User name, default null
password - User password, default null
accountID - String Account ID to test, default "10020"
 o runExamplePartA
public void runExamplePartA()
          Executes Part A of this example. Part A: Deposit and attempt to withdraw more than the current account balance. An application-specific exception should be thrown.
 o runExamplePartB
public void runExamplePartB() throws javax.ejb.CreateException, java.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.FinderException, javax.ejb.RemoveException
          Executes Part B of this example. Part B: Create 20 new accounts, with different initial balances. Find all the accounts with a balance greater than a specific value. When finished, remove the new accounts.

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