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Interface examples.ejb.subclass.Child

public interface Child
extends Parent
The methods in this interface are the public face of ChildBean. The signatures of the methods are identical to those of the EJBean, except that these methods throw a java.rmi.RemoteException.

Note that the EJBean does not implement this interface. The corresponding code-generated EJBObject, ChildBeanE, implements this interface and delegates to the bean.

Note that the only method defined in this interface is the one unique to the ChildBean. All other methods are inherited from the Parent interface.

Method Index

 o childOnlyMethod()
Sends back a pre-defined message identifying the method.

Method Detail

 o childOnlyMethod
public java.lang.String childOnlyMethod() throws java.rmi.RemoteException
          Sends back a pre-defined message identifying the method. This method is unique to the Child bean.
String Message
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there is a communications or systems failure

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