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WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity Examples

About the Examples

These examples show how to use WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity (WLEC) to access BEA WebLogic EnterpriseTM (WLE) objects (CORBA objects and Enterprise JavaBeans) from a WebLogic ServerTM (WLS) application (Enterprise JavaBeans, JSP, or servlet). Each example shows how to:

It is recommended that you build, run, and inspect the source code for these examples. It is also recommended that you read Introducing WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity.

EJB Simpapp Example

Package examples.wlec.ejb.simpapp

A form-based Internet client submits a string to a servlet on WLS and the servlet submits the string to an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) on WLS. The EJB sends this string to a WLE CORBA object. The CORBA object converts the string to upper case or lower case, depending on the input data it receives. The CORBA object returns the converted string to the EJB, which returns the string to the servlet. The servlet compiles the string into a dynamically generated HTML file and sends the file to the Internet client. This example includes a Java application that you can use instead of the Internet client and servlet to submit the string to the EJB.

JSP Stateless Session Bean Example


An Internet client submits information to a JSP on WLS. WLS compiles the JSP into a servlet which sends the input data to a WLE EJB. The EJB handles the request by buying or selling shares of stock. The EJB returns the results to the servlet, which compiles the returned data into a dynamically generated HTML file and sends the file to the Internet client.

JSP University Example

An Internet client submits information to a JSP on WLS. WLS compiles the JSP into a servlet, which sends the input data to a WLE CORBA object. The CORBA object handles the request by generating a list of courses, generating information about a course, or registering a student. The CORBA object returns the results to the servlet, which compiles the returned data into a dynamically generated HTML file and sends the file to the Internet client.

Servlet Simpapp Example

Package examples.wlec.servlets.simpapp

A form-based Internet client submits a string to a servlet on WLS. The servlet sends this string to a WLE CORBA object. The CORBA object converts the string to upper case or lower case, depending on the input data it receives. The CORBA object returns the converted string to the servlet, which compiles the string into a dynamically generated HTML file and sends the file to the Internet client.

Related Documents

See Using WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity.


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Last updated 4/25/00