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BizTalk example build scripts

This document describes how the build scripts for the BizTalk example work.

Using build.cmd and

To build the BizTalk example using either build.cmd or
  1. Move to the example subdirectory:
    Go to the BizTalk example subdirectory at /weblogic/examples/xml/biztalk.

  2. Run the example script:
    The build shell scripts take no arguments, simply execute the script as shown in this examples for Windows NT:
    $ build.cmd

    The script utilizes environment variables set up by the /weblogic/setEnv script to compile the BizTalk server files into the /weblogic/myserver/serverclasses directory and generate the final EJB .jar files used in the example (xml_biztalk_ejb_bizTrader.jar and xml_biztalk_ejb_bizTradeJournal.jar) into /weblogic/myserver. The script also builds Administration tool required for the example.

How the scripts work

The script performs the same steps that you would use to manually compile the BizTalk server classes and package EJBs in WebLogic Server. The following describes each step the build script performs. See the build scripts for the actual commands that are called.

  1. Compile BizTalk server classes:
    The script begins by compiling the BizTalk server classes into /weblogic/myserver/serverclasses.

  2. Build EJBs:
    The following steps are performed for the BizTrader and BizTradeJournal EJBs.

    1. Create a staging directory:
      The script creates a directory named build under each EJB subdirectory in which EJB classes and deployment files are staged before they are packaged into a .jar file. XML deployment files are placed in the META-INF subdirectory of build.

    2. Compile the Java classes:
      The EJB classes and interfaces are compiled into the build directory.

    3. Package the EJB files into a .jar:
      The build script uses the jar utility to create a .jar file of the subdirectories staged in build.

    4. Compile the container classes using ejbc:
      Once the .jar file has been created, the build script uses ejbc to generate EJB container classes. ejbc inserts the container classes into a new .jar file, which is created in the /weblogic/myserver directory.

Getting more information

Read more about deploying WebLogic EJBs in Deploying EJBs with DeployerTool.

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