All Examples  XML Examples  BizTalk Example

Class examples.xml.biztalk.BizAdapter


public class BizAdapter
extends Object
BizAdapter is a helper class used by protocol adapter to queue documents into a Biztalk server. BizAdapter is provided an output JMS queue connection to the Biztalk server named in the initOutQ method call.

Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Variable Index


Constructor Index

 o BizAdapter()

Method Index

 o closeOutQ()
Close out queue connections
 o getOutQueue()
Get the queue associated with this queue sender.
 o initOutQ(String)
Initializer for BizAdapter.
 o send(Message)
Send a message to the queue.
 o send(String)
Send a message to the queue.


 public static final String JNDI_FACTORY
 public static final String JMS_FACTORY


 o BizAdapter
 public BizAdapter()


 o initOutQ
 public void initOutQ(String outQ) throws NamingException, JMSException
Initializer for BizAdapter. Sets up the output queue. The queue name is of the form biztalk.jms.nameIncoming, where the name in nameIncoming is the name of a Biztalk server.

outQ - Output queue name
Throws: NamingException
unable to establish context
Throws: JMSException
unable to setup JMS queue
 o send
 public void send(String message) throws JMSException
Send a message to the queue. Use the QueueSender's default delivery mode, timeToLive and priority.

message - the message to be sent
Throws: JMSException
if JMS fails to send the message due to some internal error.
Throws: MessageFormatException
if invalid message specified
Throws: InvalidDestinationException
if a client uses this method with a Queue sender with an invalid queue.
 o send
 public void send(Message message) throws JMSException
Send a message to the queue. Use the QueueSender's default delivery mode, timeToLive and priority.

message - the message to be sent
Throws: JMSException
if JMS fails to send the message due to some internal error.
Throws: MessageFormatException
if invalid message specified
Throws: InvalidDestinationException
if a client uses this method with a Queue sender with an invalid queue.
 o getOutQueue
 public final Queue getOutQueue() throws JMSException
Get the queue associated with this queue sender.

the queue.
Throws: JMSException
if JMS fails to get queue for this queue receiver due to some internal error.
 o closeOutQ
 public void closeOutQ() throws JMSException
Close out queue connections

Throws: JMSException
if JMS fails to close out due to some error.

All Examples  XML Examples  BizTalk Example