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Interface examples.xml.biztalk.OutgoingMessage

public interface OutgoingMessage
Interface describing a Biztalk document that is intended as a response to a received document.

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Method Index

 o getBodyAsXML()
returns XML doc of the payload
 o getDocDesc()
returns a description of the document
 o getDocName()
returns Document name
 o getFromAddress()
returns the return address for this doc
 o getFromHandle()
returns senders handle
 o getFromProcess()
returns sender's process value
 o getFromReferenceID()
returns senders reference ID
 o getMsgID()
returns document's message ID
 o getMsgSubject()
returns text description of document
 o getNameSpace()
returns namespace designation
 o getTimeStamp()
returns time message created/sent
 o getToAddress()
returns recipient's address
 o getToHandle()
returns recipient's handle
 o getToProcess()
returns recipient's process
 o getToReferenceID()
returns recipient's reference ID
 o setBodyAsObject(Object)
convert object to XML fragment to use as document body
 o setBodyAsXML(String)
Provides an XML documwent fragment representing the document body of the response.
 o setDocDesc(String)
Provides a descripion of the document
 o setDocName(String)
Sets the document name.
 o setFromAddress(String)
Sets address of sender.
 o setFromHandle(String)
Sets state info set for the sender.
 o setFromProcess(String)
Sets state info set for the sender.
 o setFromReferenceID(String)
Sets the reference ID of sender.
 o setMsgID(String)
Sets the message ID for the message.
 o setMsgSubject(String)
Sets the message subject for the document.
 o setNameSpace()
Sets the name space associated with the payload.
 o setTimeStamp()
Sets the sending timestamp of the message to the time of the method call.
 o setToAddress(String)
Sets address of receiver.
 o setToHandle(String)
Sets state info set for the recipient.
 o setToProcess(String)
Sets state info for the recipient.
 o setToReferenceID(String)
Sets the reference ID for the recipient.
 o setType(String)
Sets the document type for this document.
 o toString()
returns Biztalk XML string representation of this object


 o getNameSpace
 public abstract String getNameSpace()
returns namespace designation

namespace of this document
 o getFromAddress
 public abstract String getFromAddress()
returns the return address for this doc

senders address
 o getFromReferenceID
 public abstract String getFromReferenceID()
returns senders reference ID

senders reference ID
 o getFromProcess
 public abstract String getFromProcess()
returns sender's process value

sender's process value
 o getFromHandle
 public abstract String getFromHandle()
returns senders handle

senders handle
 o getToAddress
 public abstract String getToAddress()
returns recipient's address

recipient's address
 o getToReferenceID
 public abstract String getToReferenceID()
returns recipient's reference ID

recipient's reference ID
 o getToProcess
 public abstract String getToProcess()
returns recipient's process

recipient's process
 o getToHandle
 public abstract String getToHandle()
returns recipient's handle

recipient's handle
 o getBodyAsXML
 public abstract String getBodyAsXML()
returns XML doc of the payload

XML doc of the payload
 o getDocName
 public abstract String getDocName()
returns Document name

Document name
 o getDocDesc
 public abstract String getDocDesc()
returns a description of the document

a description of the document
 o getMsgID
 public abstract String getMsgID()
returns document's message ID

document's message ID
 o getMsgSubject
 public abstract String getMsgSubject()
returns text description of document

text description of document
 o getTimeStamp
 public abstract String getTimeStamp()
returns time message created/sent

time message created/sent
 o setType
 public abstract void setType(String type)
Sets the document type for this document.

type - The name to be used as a document type.
 o setNameSpace
 public abstract void setNameSpace()
Sets the name space associated with the payload. The name space identifies the schema associated with the payload (body) of the document.

space - Envelope name space.
 o setFromAddress
 public abstract void setFromAddress(String id)
Sets address of sender. The address is a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) describing the logical address of the sending or receiving system. It is resolved to a transport-specific system address by the BizTalk server. This transport-specific address is transparent to the applications.

id - URI of sender.
 o setFromReferenceID
 public abstract void setFromReferenceID(String id)
Sets the reference ID of sender. A reference ID is a unique identifier or cookie used to reference which interchange this document is associated with. The reference ID for the document interchange would typically be unique for an instance of a particular business process.

id - Sender reference ID.
 o setFromProcess
 public abstract void setFromProcess(String process)
Sets state info set for the sender. Process may be used to again refine the state of the interchange, by identifying the user account, process, or security context where the document originated, or is intended to be sent. This is a further refinement of the handle.

process - Process value.
 o setFromHandle
 public abstract void setFromHandle(String handle)
Sets state info set for the sender. Handle provides additional handling or processing information that may be required by the application. An example would be the handle for a functional module or step within a business process. The handle is used as a further refinement of the reference ID.

handle - Handle value.
 o setToAddress
 public abstract void setToAddress(String path)
Sets address of receiver. The address is a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) describing the logical address of the sending or receiving system. It is resolved to a transport-specific system address by the BizTalk server. This transport-specific address is transparent to the applications.

path - URI of message recipient.
 o setToReferenceID
 public abstract void setToReferenceID(String id)
Sets the reference ID for the recipient. A reference ID is a unique identifier or cookie used to reference which interchange this document is associated with. The reference ID for the document interchange would typically be unique for an instance of a particular business process.

id - Recipient reference ID.
 o setToProcess
 public abstract void setToProcess(String process)
Sets state info for the recipient. Process may be used to again refine the state of the interchange, by identifying the user account, process, or security context where the document originated, or is intended to be sent. This is a further refinement of the handle.

process - Process value.
 o setToHandle
 public abstract void setToHandle(String handle)
Sets state info set for the recipient. Handle provides additional handling or processing information that may be required by the application. An example would be the handle for a functional module or step within a business process. The handle is used as a further refinement of the reference ID.

handle - Handle value.
 o setBodyAsXML
 public abstract void setBodyAsXML(String body)
Provides an XML documwent fragment representing the document body of the response.

body - XML fragment for document body.
 o toString
 public abstract String toString()
returns Biztalk XML string representation of this object

XML string
toString in class Object
 o setBodyAsObject
 public abstract void setBodyAsObject(Object obj)
convert object to XML fragment to use as document body

obj - Object to convert to XML
 o setMsgSubject
 public abstract void setMsgSubject(String subject)
Sets the message subject for the document.

subject - description of the message
 o setDocName
 public abstract void setDocName(String doc)
Sets the document name.

doc - a descriptive name for the document.
 o setDocDesc
 public abstract void setDocDesc(String desc)
Provides a descripion of the document

desc - a descriptive statement about the payload.
 o setMsgID
 public abstract void setMsgID(String msgid)
Sets the message ID for the message. It may be used for logging, tracking, error handling, or other message processing/reprocessing requirements. Generation of the message numbers or GUIDs is customer or implementation specific at this time. This value may be generated either by the business application/adapter, or by the BizTalk server transmitting the message

msgid - a message identifier.
 o setTimeStamp
 public abstract void setTimeStamp()
Sets the sending timestamp of the message to the time of the method call. This is formatted according to ISO 8601 format.

time - ISO 8601 time stamp value

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