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Installing the Integration Kit for Visual Age

Before you begin
Contents of the Integration Kit for Visual Age
Installing the Integration Kit

Before you begin

Visual Age for Java is an integrated, visual environment that supports the complete cycle of Java program development. With the Integration Kit for Visual Age, you can develop and debug your WebLogic Server applications from within Visual Age. This document describes how to install the Integration Kit for Visual Age.

In order to use the Integration Kit, you must have Visual Age for Java 2.0 (Professional or Enterprise) with the following updates and fixes installed:

  • Rollup 2
  • JNI fix for caching method ID's
These fixes are available from the Visual Age Developer Domain.

This integration kit cannot be installed in a workspace that includes the Visual Age 2.0 Enterprise Update. The libraries supplied with the Enterprise Update conflict with the Sun Java Enterprise libraries.

Contents of the Integration Kit for Visual Age

The following items are included in the Integration Kit for Visual Age:
  • All of the classes required to run WebLogic Server. This includes most of the WebLogic classes plus some additional support libraries from Sun and other companies. This does not include classes that depend on optional external software, such as classes used for COM and Corba support. These functionalities will not be available while running the server from Visual Age.

  • All of the examples shipped with WebLogic Server with the exception of the, examples.jolt, examples.jsp, and examples.wlec packages.

  • EJB tools. These tools are used to build EJB classes into jar files configured for WebLogic Server and can be used from within the Visual Age IDE.

Installing the Integration Kit

  1. Download the Integration Kit for Visual Age.

  2. Make sure Visual Age is not running. Unzip the Integration Kit archive into the Visual Age root directory:
    If Visual Age is installed in some other location, adjust accordingly. Make sure your zip program is set to extract files into sub-folders.

  3. Start Visual Age. Visual Age should recognize the Integration Kit as a new feature and copy the files into the appropriate locations.

  4. Within the IDE, select Quick Start on the File menu (or press the Quick Start shortcut key, F2).

  5. On the Quick Start window, select Features from the left-hand list. Then select Add Feature in the right-hand list. Click on OK.

  6. Select BEA WebLogic Server 4.5.0 and BEA WebLogic Examples 4.5.0, and click on OK.

    Visual Age will load the WebLogic packages into the workspace. This may take a while. Some problems will be reported on the All Problems page. These are due to deprecation warnings from some of the examples and optional Java-2 code and will not cause any problems with using the Integration Kit.

    If your WebLogic installation is in the \weblogic directory on the same drive as Visual Age, you may skip to step 10.

  7. In the All Projects pane of the Projects tab, expand WebLogic Server. Then expand weblogic.integration.visualage.server. Right-click on the Server class and select Properties.

  8. On the Program tab of the Properties window, set the weblogic.system.home property to the location of your WebLogic installation.

  9. On the Class Path tab of the Properties window, modify the Extra directories path field so that all entries that start with \weblogic point to the location of your WebLogic installation. Click OK.

  10. Most of the examples need to have WebLogic Server Classes, WebLogic Support Libraries, and WebLogic Java Enterprise Libraries in the classpath of each runnable class. Rather than changing the properties for each class, it is easier to add these resources to the Workspace classpath. To do this, select Options on the Window menu. In the Options dialog, select Resources, and enter the following in the Class Path field:
    C:\IBMVJava\ide\project_resources\WebLogic Server Classes;
    C:\IBMVJava\ide\project_resources\WebLogic Support Libraries;
    C:\IBMVJava\ide\project_resources\WebLogic Java Enterprise Libraries;
    If Visual Age is installed in some other location, adjust accordingly. When finished, click OK.

  11. Select Tools from the Selected menu. Select Weblogic Tools, then select Configure Tools. In the resulting window, select the WebLogic Server installation directory. This will tell the EJB tools the location of some required classes that have not been imported in the Visual Age workspace.


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Required browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Last updated 09/20/1999