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Using the Cloudscape Database with WebLogic Server

Setting Up Cloudscape for Use with WebLogic Server
Setting Up the Example "demoPool" Database
Creating a Database
Starting Cloudview
Other Resources Cloudscape is a pure-Java relational database management system (RDBMS) that BEA ships with the WebLogic distribution to allow you to run code examples with a functional RDBMS. The WebLogic Tour and several WebLogic examples use Cloudscape as the default DBMS.

The Cloudscape full-featured evaluation copy is located in the directory /weblogic/eval/cloudscape. To check the expiration date on this evaluation copy, put cloudscape.jar into your CLASSPATH and run the command:


Note: Running Cloudview with JDK 1.1.7 or JDK 1.1.8 creates hashtable overflows after a short period, on all platforms. This is a JVM bug and has been resolved in JDK 1.2. Also, using JDK 1.3.0 an error is generated with the cview command. You can update your version of Cloudscape to avoid this particular problem. See for more information. The latter link shows users how to update the version of CloudScape that's packaged in their WebLogic installation. You may also wish to update your version of Cloudscape if your Cloudscape license has expired.

Setting Up Cloudscape for Use with WebLogic Server

  1. Add the Cloudscape libraries to the server's CLASSPATH using the -classpath option on the command line. See Setting classpath for more information on setting your CLASSPATH.

    • To access Cloudscape from the WebLogic Server, add the following JAR file to your WebLogic Server CLASSPATH:
      where weblogic is the directory where WebLogic is installed.

    • Additional JAR files are included with the distribution. If you want to use other Cloudspace utilities, such as the Cloudview editor, add the appropriate JAR file.

    NOTE: The evaluation version of Coudscape that ships with WebLogic Server supports only one database connection at a time to a cloudscape.system.home directory.

  2. Some examples require that you set up a WebLogic JDBC connection pool that uses the Cloudscape JDBC driver.

    The file has a sample entry for a JDBC connection pool using Cloudscape, which you can uncomment:


    The name of the Cloudscape database in this example is demo, which is included in the WebLogic distribution in the /weblogic/eval/cloudscape/data directory.

Setting Up the Example "demoPool" Database

Many WebLogic examples use the JDBC connection pool demoPool. To use these examples, you must uncomment the following properties in your file.

  # Add an ACL for the connection pool:

Also check the following property if you installed the WebLogic Server from the zip file distribution, and you did not install it in the default location. This property tells the WebLogic JDBC Cloudscape driver where to find the demoPool database.
where /weblogic is the installation root directory where you unzipped the WebLogic zip distribution. If you installed using "Install Shield", this property should already be configured correctly.

Creating a Database

To create a new database, do one of the following:

  • Add the create=true property to the URL of a connection pool, like this:

    This instructs Cloudscape to create the database in the cloudscape.system.home directory if it doesn't exist.

  • You can use Cloudscape's Visual DBMS tool to create databases and tables, and view and modify existing data.

Starting Cloudview

Cloudview is Cloudscape's graphical user interface that you use to create, view, and manage Cloudscape databases.

To start Cloudview from a command shell:

  1. Set your classpath to include:

    •   /weblogic/eval/cloudscape/lib/tools.jar
    •   /weblogic/eval/cloudscape/lib/cloudscape.jar
    •   /weblogic/lib/weblogicaux.jar
    where weblogic is the directory where WebLogic is installed. For example (on one command line):
    $ set CLASSPATH=/weblogic/eval/cloudscape/lib/tools.jar;\
    Here, we include the weblogicaux.jar file to provide the Java Swing classes required by Cloudview. If you are running Java1.2, Swing is automatically included, so you need not include weblogicaux.jar. A JVM before Java1.2 requires access to the Swing classes. Cloudscape recommends that you download a JAR file called swingall.jar from the Cloudscape Web site. However, the weblogicaux.jar already includes the Swing classes, so that file is used here instead.

    Note: Do not include the swingall.jar file in the WebLogic Server CLASSPATH. It will clash with the Swing classes already included in weblogicaux.jar file, and may cause the WebLogic Console to crash.

  2. To start Cloudview, enter the following command on one line:

     $ java 

  3. The Cloudview GUI should start. Use the File menu to open an existing database, or create a new one. For more details on using Cloudview, refer to their website

Other Resources

The following links provide more information about Cloudscape: website:
Online Cloudscape documentation
Cloudscape JBMS whitepaper
Product information
Online support

The WebLogic Tour, included with your WebLogic distribution, makes use of the cloudscape DBMS. The tour is also available online.


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Last updated 7/13/1999