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Using the jhtml2jsp converter utility

Running the converter

Running the converter

The jhtml2jsp utility will convert your legacy JHTML files into the new JavaServer Pages (JSP) format. For more details on JSP, see the Developers Guide, Using WebLogic JSP.

To use the converter, follow these simple steps:

  1. Set your classpath to include the WebLogic classes, as though you were going to compile some server-side code. You can set your classpath as follows:
      set CLASSPATH=/weblogic/classes;/weblogic/lib/weblogicaux.jar
    This presumes that you installed the WebLogic Server in the default directory of /weblogic.

  2. At a command prompt, change to the directory where your .jhtml file is located.

  3. Start the utility from the command line using the following syntax:
      java weblogic.utils.jhtml2jsp filename.jhtml 
    where filename.jhtml is the name of your original JHTML file.

  4. The utility will create a new JSP file in the same directory, named after your original file with the extension changed to .jsp.

You may run the converter with the following command line option:

-d dir_path
Instructs the utility to place the generated JSP file in the directory given by dir_path.


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Last updated 9/02/1999