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Compatibility Statement for WebLogic Server 6.0.

BEA® attempts to guarantee 100 percent compatibility between WebLogic Server 6.0 and Service Pack releases. In some cases, it is impossible to avoid incompatibilities. Where incompatibilities arise, they are fully documented in this compatibility statement.

Persistent Data

Service Packs for WebLogic Server 6.0 do not require you to make any changes to persistent data storage, including configuration files, deployment descriptors, and JMS messages, with the following exceptions:
File-based HTTP session persistence
Due to a change in the session ID, file-based session persistence is not compatible between WebLogic Server 6.0 and WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 1 or higher.

JDBC-based HTTP session persistence
Due to a change in the session ID and the schema for the session persistence database table, JDBC-based session persistence is not compatible between WebLogic Server 6.0 and WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 1 or higher. You should recreate the table using the new schema. For more information, see Using a Database for Persistent Storage.

The change in session ID format also means browser cookies are not compatible between WebLogic Server 6.0 and WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 1 or 2.

API Compatibility Exceptions

API method behavior may change because that behavior was corrected to conform to a specification or to fix incorrect behavior. In certain circumstances, this correction may cause your application to behave differently. Applications deployed on WebLogic Server 6.0 after a service pack is applied will function without modification with the following exceptions:

EJB 1.1 CMP beans
If you have created Enterprise JavaBeans that use container managed persistence (CMP) with WebLogic Server 6.0, you must recompile the beans under Service Pack 1 or higher (using the ejbc compiler). WebLogic Server will not deploy these beans until you recompile them. Recompiling solves a problem of ambiguous indexing of database columns that potentially results in data corruption of the EJB persistence tables. Data corruption is possible only if your database columns are of the same type.

EJBs with transacted methods
A change was made to deployment descriptor checking in Service Pack 1. In the first release of WebLogic Server 6.0, an EJB that had a transacted method defined in its deployment descriptor that did not actually exist in the bean appeared to deploy without errors. If you have WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 1 or higher, an EJB that has a transacted method defined in the deployment descriptor that does not exist in the bean will not deploy.

Servlets using the session.invalidate() method
The behavior of the session.invalidate() has changed (as of Service Pack 1) to conform to the J2EE specification. The specification states that a single sign-on should be valid for all Web Applications in a domain. As a result, the session.invalidate() method only invalidates the session for the current Web Application and you can no longer use the session.invalidate() method to log out a user from all Web Applications. A user is logged out of all Web Applications when all sessions in all Web Applications have timed out, when the cookie expires, or when the session.invalidate() method is called in every Web Application that a user has visited.

Apache, Netscape Enterprise Server, and Microsoft Internet Information Server Plug-ins

The WebLogic Server™ proxy plug-ins that proxy requests from Apache Web Server, Netscape Enterprise Server, and Microsoft Internet Information Server to a running instance of WebLogic Server must be of the same version and service pack as that WebLogic Server instance.

Domains and Clusters with Mixed Server Versions

All servers in a domain (and therefore all clusters within a domain) must run the same version and service pack of WebLogic Server. For example, you cannot administer a domain containing servers and/or clusters running both WebLogic Server 6.0 and WebLogic Server 6.0 Service Pack 1 from the console. An entire domain must be upgraded at the same time.

RMI-IIOP Wire Protocol

The wire protocol for certain RMI-IIOP data types changed as of Service Pack 2 to maintain compatibility with the JDK and is not compatible with earlier releases of WebLogic Server 6.0.