BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Class ClearType


public class ClearType
extends MarkupElement

Use a ClearType object to set the HTML CLEAR attribute for an HtmlElement. This attribute moves an HtmlElement down unconditionally after a figure or a table, rather than flowing around the figure or table in the margin.

Copyright (c) 1995-96, WebLogic, Inc.
Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
BreakElement.setClear(weblogic.html.ClearType), DivElement.setClear(java.lang.String)

Field Summary
static ClearType all
          Deprecated. Moves the element down until both margins are clear.
static ClearType left
          Deprecated. Moves the element down until the left margin is clear.
static ClearType right
          Deprecated. Moves the element down until the right margin is clear.
Fields inherited from class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
BeginAddress, BeginAddressStr, BeginBlockquote, BeginBlockquoteStr, BeginBody, BeginBodyStr, BeginBold, BeginBoldStr, BeginCenter, BeginCenterStr, BeginComment, BeginCommentStr, BeginDiv, BeginDivStr, BeginHeadStr, BeginHtml, BeginHtmlStr, BeginItalic, BeginItalicStr, BeginLiteral, BeginLiteralStr, BeginParagraph, BeginParagraphStr, BeginScriptStr, BeginTitle, BeginTitleStr, Break, BreakStr, contents, CR, CRStr, EndAddress, EndAddressStr, EndBlockquote, EndBlockquoteStr, EndBody, EndBodyStr, EndBold, EndBoldStr, EndCenter, EndCenterStr, EndComment, EndCommentStr, EndDiv, EndDivStr, EndFont, EndFontStr, EndHeadStr, EndHtml, EndHtmlStr, EndItalic, EndItalicStr, EndLiteral, EndLiteralStr, EndParagraph, EndParagraphStr, EndScriptStr, EndTitle, EndTitleStr, HorizontalLine, HorizontalLineStr, HorizontalRule, NoBreak, NoBreakStr, WordBreak, WordBreakStr
Fields inherited from class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
codeset, useObsolete
Constructor Summary
ClearType(java.lang.String str)
Methods inherited from class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
BeginFont, BeginFontFace, BeginFontSize, BeginHeader, EndHeader, output, output, output, setContents
Methods inherited from class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
asAnchorElement, asBigElement, asBlockquoteElement, asBoldElement, asCenteredElement, asCiteElement, asCodeElement, asCommentElement, asDefineTermElement, asEmphasisElement, asFontElement, asFontElement, asFontElement, asHtmlContainer, asItalicElement, asKeyboardElement, asLiteralElement, asParagraphElement, asSampleElement, asSmallElement, asStrikeElement, asStrongElement, asSubscriptElement, asSuperscriptElement, asTeletypeElement, asUnderlineElement, asVariableElement, getVersion, setAnchorMode, setCodeset, toString, toString, widthAsLiteral
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static ClearType left
Moves the element down until the left margin is clear.


public static ClearType right
Moves the element down until the right margin is clear.


public static ClearType all
Moves the element down until both margins are clear.
Constructor Detail


public ClearType(java.lang.String str)

Documentation is available at