********************************************** BEA WEBLOGIC jCOM 6.1 README.TXT FILE ********************************************** Copyright (c) 2001 BEA Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. Welcome to BEA WebLogic jCOM 6.1! WebLogic jCOM is a bi-directional COM-Java bridging tool. This feature allows developers to create client applications with Microsoft COM development tools such as Visual Basic that can access business logic in WebLogic Server. In order to use WebLogic jCOM you must have a valid WebLogic Server 6.1 license. This README.TXT file covers the following topics: 1 - Product Support 2 - Feature Limitations 3 - Updates from Beta Release 4 - Available Resources ************************************** 1 - Product Support ************************************** Please contact support@bea.com if you require any assistance with WebLogic jCOM. BEA WebLogic jCOM has the following licensing restriction: it requires a valid WebLogic Server 6.1 license to be present in order to run. If you have a license but the WebLogic jCOM runtime cannot detect it, please contact support@bea.com. ****************************** 2 - Feature Limitations ****************************** WebLogic jCOM 6.1 only supports the WebLogic jCOM bridge running on the same machine as WLS. Specifically, the WebLogic jCOM bridge running on the client machine is not supported. For this release native mode configuration, as well as support for WLS clustering, is not available. WebLogic jCOM support for running the WebLogic jCOM bridge in any configuration will be available in the near future. In order to run the WebLogic jCOM bridge on a Unix machine you must login as the same user that installed WLS. ****************************** 3 - Updates from Beta Release ****************************** Minor documentation updates including a console-mode install for Unix platforms. Added a JSP to COM example to illustrate how any COM executable or dll's classes can be accessed through a JSP/servlet application. ****************************** 4 - Available Resources ****************************** Here are some pointers to useful information related to this release. The hyperlinks require Internet access. Quick Start Guide Quick procedures to help you see WebLogic jCOM working. See QUICK_START.HTML, in the samples directory of your WebLogic jCOM installation. Examples Code examples, supporting files and documentation, are located in the /samples/examples directory of your WebLogic jCOM installation. User Guide An introduction to WebLogic jCOM's features and use with WebLogic Server is located in the /doc directory of your WebLogic jCOM installation. Additional Documentation Installation and reference guides, are located in the /doc directory of your WebLogic jCOM installation. Newsgroups BEA WebLogic Server newsgroups provide community support for BEA products. Information about BEA-related newsgroups can be found at http://newsgroups.bea.com/cgi-bin/dnewsweb and news://newsgroups.bea.com. Developer Center The BEA Developer Center provides resources to make your e-commerce development easier and faster. To reach the BEA Developer Center, go to http://developer.bea.com/index.jsp. Last updated: November 2001 Copyright 2001, BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.