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Create SAF imported destinations

Before you begin

A SAF imported destination resource is a collection of imported SAF destinations that represent JMS destinations in a remote server instance or cluster. Each collection of SAF imported destinations is associated with a remote SAF context resource, and optionally, a SAF error handling resource. When a JMS producer sends messages to a SAF destination, these messages are stored on the SAF destination for future delivery. A SAF agent forwards the messages to the remote JMS destination (that the imported destination represents) when the destination is reachable, using the SAF remote context.

To create a SAF imported destination:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
  2. In the Administration Console, expand Services > Messaging and select JMS Modules.
  3. In the JMS Modules table, click the name of JMS module in which to configure the imported destination resource.
  4. On the module's Settings page, click the New button in the Summary of Resources table.
  5. On the Create a New JMS System Module Resource page, use the Type drop-down to select SAF Imported Destination.

    Note: Once you create a SAF imported destination resource, you cannot rename it. Instead, you must delete it and create another one that uses the new name.

  6. Click Next.
  7. On the SAF Imported Destination Properties page, define the properties that will define your imported destination resource:
    1. Name -- Name for the SAF imported destination resource.
    2. JNDI Prefix -- Specifies a prefix that is appended to the remote destination JNDI name.
    3. Remote SAF Context -- Select a remote context instance. If necessary, click Create a New Remote Context. See Create SAF remote contexts.
    4. Error Handling -- Select an error handling instance. If necessary, click Create a New Error Handling. See Create SAF error handling resources.
    5. Time to Live -- Default Time-To-Live value (expiration time), in milliseconds, for JMS messages.
    6. Enable Time To Live Default -- Select to override the expiration time set on JMS messages.

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  8. Click Next.
  9. On the targeting page:
    1. In SubDeployments, select a subdeployment for the SAF imported destination. If necessary, you can create a new subdeployment by clicking the Create a New Subdeployment button. A subdeployment is a mechanism by which JMS module resources (such as queues, topics, and connection factories) are grouped and targeted to a server resource (such as JMS servers, server instances, or cluster).

      When a SubDeployment is selected, its targeted JMS server, server, or cluster appear as selected in the Targets box.

    2. If you are not using subdeployments, in the Targets box, select the SAF Agent, cluster or server instance(s) where you want to deploy imported destination.

    You can also reconfigure deployment targets later if you wish. For more information about targeting imported destinations, refer to Target SAF imported destinations.

  10. Click Finish.
  11. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
    Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).

After you finish

If you want to configure additional parameters for the new SAF imported destination or Store-and-Forward destinations, see:


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