
Overview  |   Child MBeans  |   Attributes  |   Operations


Many delivery parameters can be set by the JMS client. These overrides, if set, will cause those specific parameters to be ignored and replaced by the value set here

Fully Qualified Interface Name

If you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:

Factory Methods

No factory methods. Instances of this MBean are created automatically.

Access Points

You can access this MBean from the following MBean attributes:

Child MBeans

This section describes attributes that contain child MBeans. For more information about the MBean hierarchy, refer to WebLogic Server MBean Data Model.


    This is used to find the template bean for this destination

    Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
    Privileges Read only


    This section describes the following attributes:


    The delivery mode assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination regardless of the DeliveryMode specified by the message producer.

    Persistent specifies that when a persistent message is sent, it is stored in the host server's default persistent store (if no store has been defined for the JMS server), or in a user-defined file store or JDBC-accessible store defined for the JMS server. The send() operation is not considered successful until delivery of the message can be guaranteed. A persistent message is guaranteed to be delivered at least once.

    Non-Persistent specifies not to store non-persistent messages in a persistent store. This mode of operation provides the lowest overhead. Messages are guaranteed to be delivered at least once unless there is a system failure, in which case messages may be lost. If a connection is closed or recovered, all non-persistent messages that have not yet been acknowledged will be redelivered. Once a non-persistent message is acknowledged, it will not be redelivered.

    No-Delivery specifies that the producer's DeliveryMode will not be overridden.

    These overrides are applied before the message is evaluated for suitability for the hosting JMS server. For example, if a client sends a message that is specified as NON-PERSISTENT, but the destination has an override of PERSISTENT, then the message will appear as PERSISTENT when determining if the hosting JMS server can handle the message. The determination of the suitability of the hosting JMS server is based on many factors, such as the existence of a persistent store for the JMS server and the value of the JMS server's Allow Persistent Downgrade parameter.

    Note: This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default ValueNo-Delivery
    Legal Values
    • Persistent
    • Non-Persistent
    • No-Delivery


    The priority assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination, regardless of the Priority specified by the message producer.

    With a value of -1, the destination will not override the Priority set by the message producer.

    This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Value-1
    Minimum value-1
    Maximum value9


    The delay, in milliseconds, before rolled back or recovered messages are redelivered, regardless of the RedeliveryDelay specified by the consumer and/or connection factory. Redelivered queue messages are put back into their originating destination; redelivered topic messages are put back into their originating subscription.

    With a value of -1, the destination will not override the RedeliveryDelay setting specified by the consumer and/or connection factory.

    This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

    Note: Changing the Redelivery Delay override only affects future rollbacks and recovers, it does not affect rollbacks and recovers that have already occurred.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Value-1
    Minimum value-1
    Maximum value9223372036854775807


    The default delay, either in milliseconds or as a schedule, between when a message is produced and when it is made visible on its target destination, regardless of the delivery time specified by the producer and/or connection factory.

    With a value of -1, the destination will not override the TimeToDeliver setting specified by the producer and/or connection factory. The TimeToDeliver override can be specified either as a long or as a schedule.

    Note: Changing the TimeToDeliver override only affects future message delivery, it does not affect message delivery of already produced messages.

    For more information, see:

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Value-1


    The time-to-live assigned to all messages that arrive at this topic, regardless of the TimeToLive value specified by the message producer.

    With a value of -1, the destination will not override the TimeToLive setting specified by the message producer.

    This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

    Privileges Read/Write
    Default Value-1
    Minimum value-1
    Maximum value9223372036854775807


    This section describes the following operations:


      Return true if the given property has been explicitly set in this bean.

      Operation Name"isSet"
      ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


      • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

        property to check

      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns boolean



      Restore the given property to its default value.

      Operation Name"unSet"
      ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


      • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

        property to restore

      SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
      Returns void
