
Overview  |   Child MBeans  |   Attributes  |   Operations


The group params bean represents items that may be templated based on the sub-deployment of the host DestinationBean. While many attributes of a Destination can be templated regardless of where the Destination is targeted, others cannot. Those elements that must be templated based on the target group of the destination are represented in this bean. A Destination will use the values in a GroupParamsBean if and only if the corresponding value is not explicitly set in the DestinationBean AND the sub-deployment-name of the Destination matches the sub-deployment-name attribute of this bean AND this GroupParamsBean is a child of the template pointed to by the Destination.

Fully Qualified Interface Name

If you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:

Factory Methods

Additional Access Points

In addition to accessing this MBean by invoking a factory method, you can also access this MBean from the following MBean attributes:

    Child MBeans

    This section describes attributes that contain child MBeans. For more information about the MBean hierarchy, refer to WebLogic Server MBean Data Model.


      Gets the name of the error destination that should be used for members who have the same sub-deployment-name. If this value is not set then the value from the templates DeliveryFailureParamsBean will be used if it is set.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Privileges Read/Write


      This section describes the following attributes:


        The name of the subdeployment that template parameters apply to. A subdeployent with the specified name must exist in the topic or queue for the parameters to apply.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        This section describes the following operations:


          Return true if the given property has been explicitly set in this bean.

          Operation Name"isSet"
          ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


          • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

            property to check

          SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
          Returns boolean



          Restore the given property to its default value.

          Operation Name"unSet"
          ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


          • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

            property to restore

          SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
          Returns void
