BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType jms-serverType


name?, notes?, target?, deployment-order?, jms-session-pool*, persistent-store?, store-enabled?, allows-persistent-downgrade?, hosting-temporary-destinations?, temporary-template-resource?, temporary-template-name?, bytes-maximum?, bytes-threshold-high?, bytes-threshold-low?, messages-maximum?, messages-threshold-high?, messages-threshold-low?, jdbc-store-upgrade-enabled?, messages-paging-enabled?, bytes-paging-enabled?, message-buffer-size?, paging-directory?, expiration-scan-interval?, maximum-message-size?, blocking-send-policy?, production-paused-at-startup?, insertion-paused-at-startup?, consumption-paused-at-startup?, jms-message-log-file?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none

This class represents a JMS server. A JMS server manages connections and message requests on behalf of clients.

MBean: JMSServerMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

stringtarget optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

annonymous type derived from intdeployment-order optional

A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item.

anyTypejms-session-pool 0...∞

The session pools defined for the JMS server.

stringpersistent-store optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanstore-enabled optional

Specifies whether message persistence is supported for this JMS server.

booleanallows-persistent-downgrade optional

This class represents a JMS server.

booleanhosting-temporary-destinations optional

This class represents a JMS server.

stringtemporary-template-resource optional

The name of a JMS module that contains a template that this JMS server can use to create temporary destinations.

stringtemporary-template-name optional

The name of a configured JMS template that this JMS server uses to create temporary destinations.

annonymous type derived from longbytes-maximum optional
annonymous type derived from longbytes-threshold-high optional
annonymous type derived from longbytes-threshold-low optional
annonymous type derived from longmessages-maximum optional
annonymous type derived from longmessages-threshold-high optional
annonymous type derived from longmessages-threshold-low optional
booleanjdbc-store-upgrade-enabled optional

This class represents a JMS server.

booleanmessages-paging-enabled optional

This class represents a JMS server.

booleanbytes-paging-enabled optional

This class represents a JMS server.

annonymous type derived from longmessage-buffer-size optional

The amount of memory (in bytes) that this JMS server can use to store message bodies before it writes them to disk.

stringpaging-directory optional

Specifies where message bodies are written when the size of the message bodies in the JMS server exceeds the message buffer size.

annonymous type derived from intexpiration-scan-interval optional

The number of seconds between this JMS server's cycles of scanning local destinations for expired messages.

annonymous type derived from intmaximum-message-size optional

The maximum number of bytes allowed in individual messages on this JMS server.

annonymous type derived from stringblocking-send-policy optional

Determines whether the JMS server delivers smaller messages before larger ones when a destination has exceeded its maximum number of messages.

stringproduction-paused-at-startup optional

Specifies whether production is paused at server startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server.

stringinsertion-paused-at-startup optional

Indicates whether insertion is paused at startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server.

stringconsumption-paused-at-startup optional

Indicates whether consumption is paused at startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server at startup.

anyTypejms-message-log-file optional

The message log file configuration for this JMS Server.


BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 9.1