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Determine MBean instance names

If you want to monitor an instance of a managed object from the WebLogic Server MIB, specify the short name of the corresponding MBean instance (instance name) when you create the SNMP monitor or attribute change. If you leave the instance name undefined in the Monitored MBean Name field, WebLogic Server monitors all instances of the managed object. For example, if you want to monitor only the server named MyServer-01, specify MyServer-01 as the instance name. The SNMP agent monitors all managed objects whose MBean instance names contain the name you enter. For example, if you specify MyServer, the agent will monitor MyServer-01 and MyServer-02 if such a server exists.

A managed bean (MBean) is a Java bean that provides a generic management interface based on Java Management Extensions (JMX). All WebLogic resources are instrumented as MBeans and the WebLogic SNMP agent uses their JMX interface to retrieve monitoring data.

Each MBean is an instance of an MBean type, and each instance has an instance name. You supply the portion of the instance name when you create a WebLogic Server resource. For example, when you create a server, you give the instance a name, such as MyServer-01. Each instance also has a JMX object name, which WebLogic Server creates based on the instance name that you provide.

To determine the instance name of an MBean in which an attribute resides, in the Administration Console, browse to the WebLogic Server resource's configuration page. The value in the Name field is the instance name for this resource's MBean.

For example, expand Services > JDBC and select Data Sources. On the JDBC Data Sources page, click on a data source. On the Data Sources: General page, the Name field contains the instance name.

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