By utilizing standardized, open source frameworks such as Eclipse and Beehive, BEA Workshop for WebLogic integrates a standard robust basic IDE platform with BEA's proprietary web development productivity features. However this provides a challenge for documentation delivery, since each component provides its own documentation and the Workshop for WebLogic documentation does not duplicate information located elsewhere.
While documentation is available on the Internet for various components used by Workshop for WebLogic, we recommend that you first consult the documentation shipped with the product. The document set shipped with Workshop for WebLogic is specific to the versions of the software components that are integrated into your version of the product.
The online documentation is available by clicking Help > Help Contents from the Workshop for WebLogic window.
Note: See below for information on launching help in standalone mode.
The documentation for Workshop for WebLogic is also available online at Different versions of documentation are provided, so be sure to check your software version before consulting the web site.
If you are just getting started with Workshop for WebLogic, we recommend that you start with workbench documentation. Then review the BEA Workshop for WebLogic Programmer's Guide, especially the tutorials.
The BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform User's Guide is divided into the following major sections:
This section of the manual describes how to get around the IDE:
Documentation for the upgrade wizard that converts applications from WebLogic Workshop 8.1 to BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform 10.0. Since some upgrade requirements cannot be automated, this section of the manual also provides a detailed description of deprecated features and techniques for updating applications.
This section of the manual describes how to develop web applications using page flows. Page flows allow you to separate presentation from business logic by integrating JSP files with a Java controller that maintains state information as the user navigates through JSPs.
This section of the manual describes how to develop web services. Web services facilitate Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) by automating the process of service implementation.
This section of the manual describes how to develop controls. Controls provide an object model for access to web services and resources. Controls are implemented as annotated classes that provide for standardized resource access or encapsulation of business logic.
This section of the manual describes how to develop Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) with Workshop for WebLogic.
This section of the manual details building web services that are not synchronous ("conversational") and other asynchronous applications.
Beehive provides extensive PDF and HTML documentation for the controls and annotations used within Workshop for WebLogic to build web applications, web services and EJBs.
The Beehive documents are available locally.
This documentation is also available on the Internet at
The Sun website ( has extensive documentation on:
and a great deal more.
You might find it useful to launch Workshop for WebLogic help in a standalone mode. For example, due to a characteristic of Eclipse (on which Workshop for WebLogic is built), restarting the IDE by default causes links in an already open help browser to become unavailable after restart. You can have help functionality that's uninterrupted by IDE restarts by launching help in a mode that uses a standalone help server installed with the IDE.
To start standalone help
BEA_HOME\jdk150_06\bin\java -classpath BEA_HOME\workshop_10.0\eclipse\plugins\ -command start -eclipsehome BEA_HOME\workshop_10.0\eclipse -port 7034 -noexec
To shut down standalone help
BEA_HOME\jdk150_06\bin\java -classpath BEA_HOME\workshop_10.0\eclipse\plugins\ -command shutdown -eclipsehome BEA_HOME\workshop_10.0\eclipse -port 7034 -noexecNote that after you shut down the help server, links in the help browser will be unavailable until you restart the server.