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Web Service Callbacks

Web services typically use HTTP to provide communication between a client and a server (where the web service resides). HTTP is a request-response protocol where each operation consists of a request-response pair: (1) a request message sent from the client to a server followed by (2) a response message returned from the server to the client. The server must always send a response for the operation to complete successfully. Such requests are called synchronous because during the request the client is synchronized with the server; the client cannot continue processing until the server responds or the request times out (the client may time out if a response is not received within a specific period of time).

Some of the operations the web service performs may be long-running. If an operation involves human interaction such as approval by a loan officer of a bank, the operation could take days to complete. It would be a poor design if individual request-response cycles were allowed to span days; such requests would unnecessarily engage resources on both the client and server hosts.

With Workshop and WebLogic Server, you can design your web service to be asynchronous, which means that the service disengages from the client after the initial request and calls back the client when the final response is ready. This allows the client to continue performing other work while the application completes the requested operation. It also keeps each request-response interaction between the client and application as short as possible. Think of phoning a friend to request some information. If your friend doesn't have the answer right away, you wouldn't sit on hold for hours at a time. Instead you would ask the friend to call you back when he gets the information.

An asynchronous web service provides a method that accept requests from clients that begin an operation but do not wait for the operation to complete. The method typically returns immediately, supplying the response portion of the initial request-response interaction but not supplying the actual, substantial result of the requested operation. The service also provides a callback method, which sends the results of the long-running operation to the client when the results are finally ready.

The following diagram shows a web service with two methods: an initiating method and a callback method. The client (typically a web service control) invokes requestMessage to initiate the web service's main process. When the main process is complete (that is, when the response is constructed) the onMessage callback method is invoked that sends the response back to the client.

Adding Callback Methods to a Web Service

To add a callback method to a web service, right-click anywhere in the web service source code and select Insert > Callback. The default callback interface containing one callback method will be added. By default the callback method is named newMethod(). In the example below, the default method name has been changed to sendMessage().

public class HelloWorldWebService {

	private CallbackSvc callback;

	public void requestMessage() {

	public interface CallbackSvc extends CallbackInterface {
		public void onMessage();

Multiple callback methods can be added to the callback interface.

Parameters added to the callback method represent data sent to the client. For example, if you want to send a String response back to the client, add a String parameter to the callback method as follows.

	public interface CallbackSvc extends CallbackInterface {
		public void sendMessage(String message);

To send a response back to the client, you must (1) declare the callback interface and then (2) invoke the appropriate callback method based on that declaration.

(1) To declare the callback interface, use the @Callback annotation. (The Insert > Callback command will automatically supply this declaration.)

    private CallbackSvc callback;

(2) Then invoke the appropriate callback method:

public class HelloMessage {

	private CallbackSvc callback;

	public void initiateRequest() {
            callback.sendMessage("This is your callback message.");

	public interface CallbackSvc extends CallbackInterface {
		public void sendMessage(String message);

Typically, a web service communicates with its client through a service control.

The diagram below shows the relationship between a web service client, a service control, and a web service.

The client (on the far left) begins the interaction by requesting a message, a request that is passed on to the web service through the web service control.

When the web service has completed the response, it is passed back to the original client. This process has three stages: (1) The web service invokes its callback method that sends the response to the control. (2) The control event set method listens for the response and passes it to the client. (3) Finally the client handler method listens for the control event set method and receives the event.

For more information about the relationship between a web service and a web service control, see Handling Web Service Callback Messages.

For more information about the relationship between a client and a web service control, see Creating and Using a Service Control.

For more information about testing Web Service callback methods see Testing Web Service Callback Methods.

Related Topics

Building Web Services with Workshop

Creating Conversational Web Services

Creating Buffered Web Services

Sample: Asynchronous Hello World

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