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Distributing Controls as Plug-ins

If you want to distribute your custom control to a wide audience (e.g., if you are an ISV developing controls for your customers) or if you want to customize your control more extensively, you can package a control within a plug-in. This method allows:

This topic describes how to package a control into a plug-in. This method creates an Eclipse plug-in and basic knowledge of Eclipse plug-ins and their creation would be useful before attempting this process.

Note that this method wraps a control JAR in a plug-in. For distribution within your own company, you may simply want to share the control JAR file directly, without the additional work of creating a plug-in.

This method consists of the following steps:

  1. Export the control into a control JAR
  2. Create the control plug-in project
  3. Copy the control JAR into the plug-in project
  4. Set plug-in project dependencies
  5. Add extension and customize settings
  6. Create the insertion delegate code
  7. Build and test your plug-in
  8. Export the plug-In

Step 1: Export the Control into a Control JAR

Follow the steps outlined in Exporting Controls into JARs.

Step 2: Create the Control Plug-in Project

  1. Create a plug-in project with File > New > Project. Expand Plug-in Development and choose Plug-in Project. If you do not see the correct project type, you may need to click Show All Wizards to display it.

    Click Next to proceed.

    From the next screen, fill in the Plug-in Provider field and click Finish to create the project.

    Click Yes to change to Plug-in Development perspective.

Step 3: Copy the Control JAR into the Plug-In Project

Create a folder named lib in the root of your plug-in project (not under the src folder). Copy the control JAR (created in the previous step) into the lib directory.

Step 4: Set Plug-in Project Dependencies

If the manifest editor window is not visible, double click on the MANIFEST.MF file to open it. From the editor, click on the Dependencies tab or click on the Dependencies link in the Plug-in Content section. From the Required Plug-ins section, click on the Add button and select the following plug-ins:

Click OK to add the dependencies. Click File > Save All to save the dependencies in the MANIFEST.MF file.

Step 5: Add Extension and Customize Settings

Click on the Extensions tab. Click Add and choose

Click Finish to add the extension. Click File > Save All to save the change.

Note that a new file: plugin.xml has been added to the project. That file now contains the extension information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.2"?>
</extension> </plugin>

The com.bea.workshop.controls.core.controls extension point requires a nested <control> tag with at least the id, class, isControlExtension, and isExtensible attributes specified. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.0"?>
<plugin> <extension point="com.bea.workshop.controls.Controls"> <control id="com.mycompany.example.MyExampleControlId" class="com.mycompany.example.control.MyExampleControl" isControlExtension="false" isExtensible="false" /> </extension> </plugin>

The <control> tag has the following attributes:

Attribute Description Required Default
id A unique id string. Cannot be duplcated within the contributed controls in this plug-in. Yes [none]
class Fully qualified classname of the control interface class. Yes [none]
isControlExtension   Yes Indicates whether this is an extension of a extensible control.
isExtensible   Yes Indicates whether this is an extensible control. Indicating true will allow the default insertion to better handle requiring the user to create a control extension rather than a regular control.
label The text to be displayed on the Insert > Control dialog. No Simple, unqualified classname from the class attribute.
icon The icon displayed to the left of the control label on the Insert > Control dialog. No generic icon
priority Position relative to others in the same group of controls, ascending order. This is a path relative to the plugin root No 10
groupName Group heading for the control(s). Note that if there are less than 3 controls, no group will be created. If there are 3 or more controls, a group will be created if groupName is specified. No Value of the label attribute. Note that if controls are not in a group, or if there are not 3 controls in a group, they will all be listed at the top level and the label attribute will be ignored.
groupPriority Ordering of the group relative to other groups, ascending order. No 100
insertionDelegateClass Class triggered when the control is inserted into an application. In addition to any desired actions, the insertion delegate must to copy the control JAR from the plug-in JAR to the user's project. No com.bea.workshop.controls.core.DefaultControlInsertionDelegate
description Description of control. No [none]

The following is an example of a <control> tag using more attributes:

<extension point="com.bea.workshop.controls.core.controls">
groupName="My Company"
label="Sample Control"
priority="10" />

Step 6: Create the Insertion Delegate Code

The insertionDelegateClass attribute of the <control> tag indicates the insertion delegate and triggers the delegate when the control is inserted into a file. You can use this for many purposes, but if it's not already in the project (e.g., as a facet or a library module), you would typically use this to copy the control JAR to the user's project, as described below.

When you ship the control in a plug-in, the JAR file is located in the plug-in, NOT in the control user's project. To copy the JAR from the plug-in to the project that is using the control, you must insert code similar to the following into your insertion delegate. This will copy the control JAR to the user's project when your insertion delegate is called.

To create an insertion delegate, create a package in the src folder and create a file for the class of the insertion delegate.

Sample insertion delegate code is listed below. You will need to update the package and class name, of course.

package org.example.controls.workshop;


import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ErrorDialog;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;

import com.bea.workshop.controls.core.model.IControlInsertionDelegateContext;
import com.bea.workshop.controls.ui.actions.DefaultControlInsertionDelegate;

public class SampleInsertionDelegate extends DefaultControlInsertionDelegate {

	public IJavaElement insertControl(IControlInsertionDelegateContext ctxt) {
		try {
			File file = getFileFromPlugin(Activator.getDefault(), "/lib/TestControl.jar");
			copyJarIfNecessary(ctxt, file, file.getName());
			return super.insertControl(ctxt);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			String message = "Error inserting control";
		return null;

	private void error(String message, Exception e) {
								"Control Insert Error",
								message + " - " + e.getMessage(),
				new Status(IStatus.ERROR,Activator.PLUGIN_ID,1,"Control Insert Error",e));

The sample above covers the "insert your control into the project" case. To also do a custom wizard that collects parameters and inserts additional annotations, you can update the code to look like this:

public IJavaElement insertControl(IControlInsertionDelegateContext ctxt) {
  try {
	//Launch and complete your wizard here, collecting parameters as necessary
	// then proceed to the next steps to copy the file and use the parameters entered 
	// as annotation values

	File file = getFileFromPlugin(Activator.getDefault(), "/lib/TestControl.jar");
	copyJarIfNecessary(ctxt, file, file.getName());

	HashMap<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>();
	attrs.put("attr", "aValue");

	return super.insertControl(ctxt,"org.example.controls.SampleControl.SamplePropertySet",attrs);
  } catch (Exception e) {
	String message = "Error inserting control";
  return null;

The previous example is a convenience API if you have a single additional annotation to add. If you have multiple annotations to add, you could do something like this with a list of AnnotationInfo objects:

public IJavaElement insertControl(IControlInsertionDelegateContext ctxt) {
  try {
	//Launch and complete your wizard here, collecting parameters as necessary
	// then proceed to the next steps to copy the file and use the parameters entered 
	// as annotation values

	File file = getFileFromPlugin(Activator.getDefault(), "/lib/TestControl.jar");
	copyJarIfNecessary(ctxt, file, file.getName());
	List infos = new ArrayList();
	HashMap<String, String> attrs1 = new HashMap<String, String>();
	attrs1.put("attr", "aValue");
	AnnotationInfo info1 = new AnnotationInfo(

	HashMap<String, String> attrs2 = new HashMap<String, String>();
	attrs2.put("anotherAttribute", "aValue");
	AnnotationInfo info2 = new AnnotationInfo(
	return super.insertControl(ctxt,infos);
  } catch (Exception e) {
	String message = "Error inserting control";
	Activator.getDefault().logError(message, e);
  return null;

For more information on the APIs provided by the DefaultControlInsertionDelegate, see the Javadoc.

Step 7: Build and Test your Plug-in

Be sure that the plug-in includes the lib directly by clicking on the Build tab. Click on the lib folder under the Binary Build section to make sure that it is building correctly.

To run your plug-in, use the Run As > Eclipse Application command to test that your plug-in works correctly.

Step 8: Export the Plug-in

Click on the Overview tab. Click Export Wizard to create the plug-in JAR which will include the control JAR, the insertion delegate and any other required files. If this view is not available, you can open it by right clicking on META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and choosing Open.

From the export dialog, be sure to set the directory where the plug-in file will be created. Note that by default, the Include source code option is disabled so that the control's source code will not be available to plug-in users. Specify a destination directory for the plug-in and click Finish to create the control plug-in file.

You can then distribute the resulting plug-in file to other developers, like any other Eclipse plug-in.

Related Topics

Developing Custom Controls

Exporting Controls into JARs

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