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Key Differences Between EJB2 and EJB3

Syntax differences for jndiName attribute

The jndiName attribute of the @SessionEJB3Control.EJBLookup annotation requires a reference to the JNDIName followed by a # sign and the business interface.

@SessionEJB3Control.EJBLookup(jndiName = "jndiName#businessInterface")

Note that the session bean author can override the jndiName by using the mappedName attribute on the @javax.ejb.Stateless annotation. For example, suppose suppose the bean author provides the following EJB3 session bean.

    public class HelloBean implements Hello { ... }

A control targeting this bean would have the following syntax.

    @SessionEJB3Control.EJBLookup(jndiName = "beans.HelloBean#beans.Hello")
    public interface Hello30SLSBControl extends Hello, SessionEJB3Control { ... }

Note the difference from the EJB2 control lookup syntax, which requires only a reference to the JNDIname.

    jndiName = "beans.HelloBean"


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