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Service Control Generation Wizard

Use this dialog to create a new service control.

To create a service control using this dialog, you must first have a local copy of the WSDL file for the target web service.

How To Open This Dialog

To open this dialog, right-click a folder in the Project Explorer view and select New > Service Control.

How To Use This Dialog

On the first page, navigate to the WSDL file for the target web service.

On the second page, select the content types in the generated JAR file. Depending on your selection, either JAX-RPC or XMLBean types will be generated.

This page will not appear if your service has only simple types or if the necessary types are already available.

On the third page, select the location where you wish the JAR file to be saved. By default, the JAR will be saved to WEB-INF/lib (in a web or web service project) or APP-INF/lib (in a utility project). If you choose a different location, you must ensure that the chosen location is on the classpath.

On the fourth page, in the Enter or select the parent folder field, enter the directory location where the new service control is be created. If the desired directory does not already exit, you may type the directory path to create the desired directory.

In the File name field, enter the desired name of the service control. The default name is the name of the WSDL appended with "Control".

Related Topics

Types JAR File Generation Wizard

New Web Service From WSDL Wizard

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