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Precompiling JSP Files

Because JSP compilation can be resource intensive, Workshop provides an option for precompiling your application's JSP files.

When Exporting EAR/WAR files...

You can select precompilation when exporting EAR and WAR files from Workshop. To select precompilation, right-click the EAR or WAR file you wish to export and select Export > EAR file or Export > WAR file. In the Export dialog, select the checkbox Pre-compile JSP.

Note: the pre-compile JSP option is available only to projects targeted to WebLogic Server 9.2 and 10.0 runtimes.

When Building from the Command Line...

To precompile JSPs from the command line, first export the a Workshop Ant script and then add the property -Dcompile.jsp=true, for example:

    ant -Dworkspace=C:\path\to\workspace -Dworkshop.lib.dir=C:\path\to\lib -Dcompile.jsp=true build archive
Note that you must specify both build and archive, not just build.

Related Topics

Understanding the Build Process

Creating Ant Build and Maven POM Files for an Application

Apache Ant online Manual

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