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JSF: Duke's Book Store

An online bookstore application used in the J2EE 1.4 tutorial. The example demonstrates an online shopping application. Users can select books from a catalog and add them to a shopping cart.

Concepts Demonstrated by this Sample

How to Open the Sample

Select File > New > Example.

In the New Example wizard select Workshop JSF Examples > Duke's Book Store and click Next > Finish.

Note that this sample cannot be run on WebLogic Server version 8.1.

Running the Sample on WebSphere 6.0

A know issue prevents this sample from running properly on WebSphere 6.0. (WebSphere 6.0 does not properly handle the <include-prelude> and <include-code> declarations in web.xml.)

You can workaround the issue by manually copying the taglib declarations in bookStore/template/prelude.jspf and code.jspf to all of the pages in the web application and refresh.


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