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Upgrading Enterprise JavaBeans

This topic gives more detail about upgrade changes noted for Enterprise JavaBeans.

For a more complete list of changes affecting applications upgraded from version 8.1, see Changes During Upgrade from WebLogic Workshop 8.1 to Version 10.1.

Enabling Automatic Transaction Support in Entity Beans

In version 8.1, the EJB container would create a transaction for an entity bean if it ran in an unspecified transaction. In version 10.1, the default is not to create the transaction for the transaction attribute values indicating "not supported," "supports," and "never."

To support the old behavior, ensure that the TransactionAttribute.REQUIRED constant is used in the @RemoteMethod annotation applied to entity bean methods. Here's an example of the annotation's syntax:

public void myMethod()

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Changes During Upgrade from WebLogic Workshop 8.1 to Version 10.1

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